Page 103 of Bittersweet Addiction

I think about the conversations that needs to be had with both of my parents regarding their attitudes towards my future bride, especially now that she’ll be giving them their first grandchild within the year. I pull my bag up over my shoulder as I walk through the halls for the last time.

“Montgomery,” I hear from behind me, and I turn around to see him staring at me.

“Tuck.” I nod.

“I’m proud of you, Will.” He smiles. “You’ve come a long way this past week.”

“You’re not going to get me to agree that I couldn’t talk to Charley this whole time,” I tell him, raising an eyebrow.

“That’s fair,” he says holding his hands up in defeat.

“But…thank you.”

“Call me next week…we’ll play golf.”

“Pass.” I laugh. “I’ve spent enough time with you the past week to last me through the New Year.”

“I’m hurt!” he says, putting a hand over his heart jokingly. “Tell me I still get a wedding invite?”

“To be determined.” I give him a smug grin and he slaps my back as we make our way through the lobby. I’m surprised I don’t see Charley inside, waiting for me, but maybe she isn’t here yet. “You told her what time, right?”

“Yes, I called her personally.”

“How did she sound?” I ask.

“Anxious. She really misses you.”

I grab my phone from the exit station as I make my way into the lobby. I unlock my phone and the wind is almost knocked out of me as I find dozens of texts and emails from Charley, Drew, and both of my parents. I open the most recent text from Charley sent a few moments ago.

Charley: I’m outside! I was too worried I would cause a scene…I’ve yelled at a lot of people at this facility. I wasn’t sure if I was banned haha. And didn’t want a bunch of people watching our reunion!

I chuckle reading her words, before I push through the double doors and make my way out into the November sunset. I spot her Audi immediately, and smile when I see her bouncing excitedly next to the car. I move down the steps and when her eyes finally find me, she takes off for me. I jog toward her, meeting her halfway when she stops suddenly looking me over as if she’s not sure that I’m really standing in front of her.

The tears are flowing down her cheeks. “Hi,” she whispers.

“Hi, baby,” I move towards her, closing the space between us.

She bites her bottom lip and looks me over again. “You look…really good,” she says, the air leaving her lungs as she says it.

“I did a lot of running in there.” She nods appreciatively and I feel a burst of pride the way she’s looking at me. I’ve lost a few pounds but I’ve gotten more toned, something I know Charley can see even with my jacket on given how well acquainted she is with my body.

“I’m going to lose it the second I touch you,” she tells me as she wipes her nose with the sleeve of her sweater.

“Same,” I tell her.

She takes a step closer to me and I do the same. “I missed you…so much.”

“I got your note,” I tell her, the emotions of seeing her again building in my throat. “I didn’t see it until Thursday and it was the turning point. You have no idea how much strength it gave me.”

She puts her hand over her heart and smiles. “I’m so glad to hear that. I have a dozen more at home for you.” She giggles.

“I wrote a bit while I was in there too…” I tell her. “My wedding vows are perfect.” I smile and before I know it she’s lunged for me, her arms and legs both wrapped completely around me and she’s sobbing so hard she begins to shake in my arms.

“Oh my God,” she cries. “I called and called and they wouldn’t let me talk to you! They said I was a trigger and—I wasn’t helping. I’m sorry! I just wanted to help, and make sure you were okay and—I can’t ever do this again! Not talk to you or see you! Please, promise me!” She’s borderline hysterical as she sobs against me, her tears wetting my neck and sliding down my torso underneath my sweater and coat.

I press my hand to the back of her head keeping her pressed to me protectively as I carry her to her car. “I know you tried to call. Baby, I tried to get them to let me talk to you. And you’re not a trigger, this is not your fault. Don’t apologize,” I reassure her as I stroke her back. “And nothing like this ever again, I promise,” I whisper into her ear. I’m fighting the tears myself hearing her plead with me to never have to be apart again. “Never again,” I repeat. I open the door to place her in the passenger seat when she clings to me even harder, not wanting to let me go. “Let’s just get in the car, okay?”

She nods and lets me slide her into the car. I’ve barely shut the door on the driver’s side before she’s climbed across the console and into my lap straddling me.Let me get us off the premises at least if you’re going to try and mount me.I smile to myself.