Looking up at the sky I couldn’t see if the sun was on its way down since it was already hidden by the skyscrapers. The suppressants I’d been taking while trapped in the basement wouldn’t last much longer since Father didn’t give me another this morning. If I started to perfume out here in the open before finding more I was fucked.
“Is it a man or a woman that’s already out here?” I asked as I chewed on my thumbnail.
“It would be a man, an Alpha, his name is Nixon. He’s actually the man who founded this rescue and runs it with his Beta partner, Spencer. I know you don’t know me from a hill of beans but I wouldn’t have suggested he come get you if it wasn’t safe. Being on the streets at night for a young lady is not something I would wish on anyone,” Clara cautioned.
“Okay…” I whispered. “He can pick me up.”
“That’s a smart choice Cambrie, I’ll have someone give Nixon a call. What I want you to do is not to move from that spot, do you hear me?” Clara asked, her voice brokering no argument. “I’ve found the payphone you are calling from and sent him that location. He has a black sedan and his license plate is A-five-eight-B-nine-three-two. Nixon will get out of the car and introduce himself. Then he will ask you if you like classical music. Now what response should I tell him you will give so we ensure he’s picking up the right person?”
“I’ve never listened to classical before so I don’t know if I like it or not,” I answered truthfully.
Clara gave a hum of approval. “That will work perfectly. We’d do this same procedure even if we sent the marked van to pick you up. With all that’s going on in the world you can never be too careful. He has all the information and should be leaving shortly. Do you want me to stay on the line with you? I’m more than happy to.”
“Thank you, but I don’t want to take up your time if someone else calls in,” I answered, even though deep down I wanted her to keep talking to me. Her voice was soothing, and she reminded me of Peggy from the library.
“Don’t you worry about that. We have five people here whose job it is to answer the phone for situations just like yours,” Clara chided. “Now Cambrie, do you mind if I ask how old you are? We like to keep some records on file here at the shelter since we also offer many resources for getting people back on their feet.”
Did it matter if she knew how old I was? I’d already given her my name, if they wanted a last name I would just make something up so they couldn’t connect me to my father.
“Eighteen, I just had a birthday,” I shared.
“Well happy belated birthday! The big one eight, that’s a major deal you know. Did you already graduate from high school or is that happening this year?”
My mouth went dry at this question, I’d been so close to completing my GED but my father took that from me as well. Now here I was an eighteen year old woman who didn’t have anything to show for herself.
“No I haven’t graduated,” I answered, not giving her more details.
“That’s not a problem, I’m sure we can figure something out to help with that. It’s not the first time we’ve come across this,” Clara commented as she typed down more information. “Now, I know you said you don’t have any place to go tonight but what about tomorrow? We can help you reach out to other family or friends if you need us to. Now that you are eighteen it gives you the freedom to choose what you want to have happen in your life.”
“I just need a place to stay tonight that is safe so I can sort out my next move. I appreciate the offer but I think I can manage on my own,” I countered, not ready to trust they wouldn’t just lock me up when they found out I was an Omega.
The fact that the suppressants were still working was a miracle, and I didn’t know how much longer that would last. I knew some Betas took them to keep their designation to themselves or if they worked in risky jobs where they couldn’t risk going into heat. What I didn’t know was if they would just give them to me if I asked or if a doctor had to give them. Father bought them off a dealer but I didn’t have any money to go that route.
“Okay Cambrie, we’ll come back to that question later,” Clara murmured, clearly not liking my answer. “Alright, Nixon should be with you in just a minute or two so I’ll let you go. When you get to the shelter I’ll meet you at the front and we’ll get you settled. Sound good?”
“Yes… thank you, Clara,” I whispered before hanging up, not waiting for her reply.