“That would guarantee we would never see her again,” Rafael said, his voice rough with emotion. “They would never just give her back to us after denying our request. It would be a power move to prove they are the ones in charge and we broke the rules.”
“Guys we can’t think like that, we have to have faith in what Marius said to them. Corrupt or not what he stated was the law and even they can’t just ignore it,” Oscar reasoned.
Bodhi rested a hand on Oscar's shoulder from where he stood next to him. “I would love to have that kind of blind faith but if what Marius says is true, then it doesn’t matter. They break the rules every day, this will mean nothing to them other than teaching Marius a lesson.”
“So we’re just fucked?” Oscar challenged.
“No, but I think we need to be realistic that this is going to be a fight, and we might need to play dirty to keep our Omega,” Bodhi said, with a determined look.
Marius shook his head. “No, we will do everything we can to keep her with us but we won’t stoop to their level. If I have to break this whole government into pieces, then I will, but I refuse to be like them. They will either abide by the law or I’ll tear the law apart proving it never worked. We’ll share it with the world and let the people destroy the rest when they find out all their suffering has been to line their greedy pockets.”
“Damn,” I said, then whistled. “You are sexy as fuck when you talk world domination.” Marius and Nixon both shot me warning looks. “What can’t a guy pay his partner a compliment?”
“Not the time,” Nixon scolded, poking my leg with the tip of his shoe. “Later, when you tell Cambrie how much of a boss he’s been today would be better.”
A beep from the phone on the desk had us all jumping. Marius just shook his head at us, turned off the scrambler, and hit the intercom button on his phone. “Yes?”
“They are ready to see you now,” Sarah informed us.
“Thank you, Sarah, we’ll be right down,” Marius answered and looked at the rest of us. “Ready?”
“I think I’m going to puke,” Bodhi said, bending over at the waist, his hands on his knees.
Oscar stood and rubbed his back affectionately. God, what were we going to do if they say no? Shaking myself out of my worry I clapped my hands together gaining the attention of my pack.
“If we go in there already believing we have no chance, then we don’t. So buck the fuck up and put on your game faces. Cambrie needs us to fight for her so that is what we are damn well going to do,” I ordered, placing my hands on my hips.
That seemed to do the trick as their faces hardened with determination, and they rose. I turned on my heel and looked at Marius. “Lead the way, Alpha.”
“Now I get why you think Marius was so damn hot,” Nixon whispered in my ear.
A shiver went down my spine at his words but I elbowed him in the gut hard enough to make him grunt. “Not the place for that kind of talk.”
Nixon just chuckled as he slapped my ass, walking past me to head out of the office. “Rude!” I yelled after him charging out of the office. If he wanted to get me riled up for a fight that sure did the trick.
Once again we were lined up facing the three men holding our fate in their hands. Yoram looked a little too pleased for my liking, but Frederick looked almost sick, while Willem looked as unemotional as ever. This wasn’t going to go how we wanted it. I just knew it.
“While you presented a compelling argument, I feel it is in the best interest for the Omega to be brought to the Care Center. If she is found to be with child she will be placed back into your home provided we do a DNA test to ensure it is truly yours. During the time she is waiting to find out the results she will be looked after and ensured she has been given the proper education all Omegas get while at the Care Center. I would hate for her to have a disadvantage since her life has been so hard up to this point,” Yoram announced.
Yoram’s words hit me like a punch in the gut. He was going to take her from us until we found out if she was pregnant or not. What were the chances of that? Even though she was young and it was her first heat, Omegas didn’t produce the same way they used to even before the attack.
“So what now?” Rafael asked, his voice completely neutral, not at all betraying the rage I could see making his body shake.
“Seeing as Omegas tend to be rather emotional right after a heat, we will give you the remainder of the week with her before we send a team to pick her up. Did you already make arrangements for security?” Yoram inquired.
Marius just nodded. “We have someone willing once we were given the verdict.”
“I suggest you enlist this help for the remainder of the week, if anything happens to her it will be on your head. You didn’t follow the guidelines in place for situations like this. While we might not be able to punish you for what’s occurred so far we can now we know she is in your care,” Willem explained, giving each of us a searing look of hate. “Don’t give us a reason to punish you all, because you are walking a fine line here boys.”
Rafael scoffed under his breath at the term boys but held it together.
“Are there any other matters you wish to discuss?” Yoram asked. When we all shook our heads, he turned to Marius. “You will remain home for the week as is the custom for all pack members during an Omegas heat. If there is anything urgent we will have the staff reach out.”
Dismissed, we exited the room trying to hold in our anger until we stepped outside and got back into the vehicle. Once we were on the road the car erupted with anger and all the things we left unsaid.
“Those rat bastards just couldn’t let things be, could they? They had to make a point of slapping me on the wrist for not following their rules. None of us broke any laws strictly speaking,” Marius sneered as he ran his hands through his hair.
Rafael slammed his fist against the car door, swearing. “Fucking pricks, the lot of them.” It was strange to see the man who exuded calm and rationality at all times lose his shit. He pointed at Marius, his whole body vibrating. “We are taking them down. Those three shouldn’t have the power they do. There was no reason whatsoever for them to tell us we couldn’t keep her. This whole goddamn thing is a sham.”