“Soda, whatever kind you have as long as it’s not grape,” I answered, my nose wrinkling at the last soda I’d had ages ago. “It tastes like medicine.”

“Who drinks grape soda?” Spencer asked, looking horrified. “Never mind, that isn’t something you’re going to need to worry about in our home,” Turning he went down the stairs still muttering to himself. “Grape soda? Why even create such a thing?”

The chuckle that escaped from me at Spencer’s ramblings made Nixon’s purr resume stronger than before. “I love hearing you laugh, Sweetheart. It does something to me in the most delicious way.”

Having no idea how to respond to that I just snuggled deeper against him placing my hand on his chest so I could feel his purr.

“Let’s work on picking a movie,” Bodhi suggested pulling out his phone. “So do we have any suggestions? Otherwise I made a list of movies Cambi needs to see. It covers all the cult classics and some of my favorites because well I made the list.”

Rafael held out his hand and Bodhi handed the phone over so he could read the list. “Pulp Fiction, really?” Rafael commented looking at Bodhi. “Don’t you feel like that might be a little too close to home?”

Bodhi shrugged. “There are so many movies on that list I figured by the time we got around to the grittier ones it might not be so tough. Schindler’s List is on there too, so I covered the gamut of emotions.”

Rafael grunted, then passed the phone to Marius. “I vote for Princess Bride or Monty Python and The Holy Grail.”

“Those are both good choices,” Marius mused as he scanned the screen. “Tonight I think I’m going to add my vote to Princess Bride, so many quotable lines in that movie.”

“Agree, it’s a great movie,” Nixon added. “Let’s start with that, then we can go from there.”

“As you wish,” Bodhi said with a dramatic bow as he winked at me. The guys all let out a huff of laughter as Bodhi set things up.

Nixon brought his lips to my ear so when he spoke they brushed the shell of it. “You’ll get the joke right away, Sweetheart, don’t you worry about being left out.”

Shivers from his touch and his warm breath on my skin ran all over my body. My heat might be over but whatever they unlocked in me had my pussy slick with anticipation. Nixon froze as he took a deep breath, my perfume filled the air around us.

“Nope,” Marius snapped as he yanked me out of Nixon’s arms. “We are going to have a movie night, with all our clothes on, and actually watching the damn film,” he ordered as he looked down at me. “Behave Princess, give us one night to recharge, then we will happily answer your needs starting tomorrow.”

Rafael gave a dark chuckle. “Who knew a bunch of older men would end up with an Omega in her prime and a sex drive that pushes us to our limits in the best way possible. Thank god we have Spencer and Bodhi who might be able to keep up with her.”

Frowning, I reached out and took Rafael’s hand. “You’re not old,” I corrected him. “You’re perfect just the way you are, and I love the silver in your hair, it matches how wise you are.” A snort drew my attention to Bodhi who was covering his mouth to try and stifle laughter. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No Little One,” Rafael assured me, stroking my cheek with the backs of his fingers. “You just speak your mind no matter what and I love that, thank you.”

I pouted, sinking back into the couch. “That absolutely means I said something wrong, but you think it's cute.”

“Correct on all accounts, I do think you are cute,” Rafael agreed, kissing me until I was smiling once more. “There, that’s better. For the record I always want you to be honest with me, speaking your mind as you see it. Your view of the world is refreshing and a good reminder there is always a bright side to things.”

“If you say so,” I relented just as Spencer returned with the drinks.

“Oh Princess Bride I fucking love that movie,” Spencer cheered as he handed out beers to the guys and soda to me and Bodhi. Once he flopped into the spot between Nixon and Marius that I’d been pulled from the movie started.

It was an amazing night as the guys quoted their favorite parts of the movie loudly making us all laugh. At one point Spencer got up and pretended to sword fight against the man with six fingers.

“Prepare to die!” he proclaimed just as the doorbell rang.

Bodhi paused the movie as Spencer and Nixon ran down to get the pizza. When they said it was the best in the city they weren’t wrong. The perfectly melted cheese complimented by the sauce and the golden flaky crust was utter perfection. Each bite I took I did a little happy dance, unable to sit still as the cheese pizza restored life to my body.

“Is that what she looks like when she comes?” Nixon asked, watching me in wide-eyed amazement.

“Close, she’s incredibly vocal when she shatters in your arms,” Marius answered, making my whole body blush bright red.

“Oh I’m incredibly aware of how vocal she is,” Nixon grumbled. “You have no idea how many times I had to stop working to rub one out or my dick was going to explode. God just listening to her was amazing, I can’t wait until I can experience the real thing.”

I rubbed my legs together, a puddle of turned on and embarrassed emotions swirling around in my body. Unsure if I wanted to hide from them as they talked so bluntly about me coming or if I wanted to drag Nixon into my room to test out my new bed.

Oscar clapped his hands loudly and signed something once he got their attention. By the expression on his face he was telling them to shut up so he could watch the movie. I smiled gratefully at him as the others settled down and resumed eating. When I was done with my slices I crawled over to Oscar and he pulled me into his lap purring for me as he stroked the outside of my thigh soothingly.

We made it through one more movie before I drifted off to sleep in Rafael’s arms, having rotated from member to member of my pack for cuddles. It would seem a high sex drive wasn’t the only thing these men created in me. Now my need to be as close to them as possible was stronger than ever. I soaked up every second like it would be my last because the world had taught me nothing was forever.