Thewallshadbeen painted a soft blue-gray that matched Rafael’s eyes and brought out the new bright white furniture.
There in the middle of the space was a bed, but it wasn’t like any bed I’d ever seen before. It was hexagon shaped with raised padded edges in soft velvet pink. The middle was slightly lower so it almost resembled a shallow bird’s nest. Pillows filled half the space leaving the other side open to reveal a plush teal blanket that I wanted to curl up on. The whole thing was surrounded by gauzy fabric that had twinkle lights sewn into it which is where the glow was coming from.
A waist high section of shelves ran along one wall filled with books, fresh green plants, candles, and other knickknacks. The swing chair was still where we’d hung it with a cheerful teal rug under it and a step stool to help me get in and out of it. More twinkle lights ran along the ceiling framing the large skylights and in the fading sunlight it felt like they were stars. Finally, a light cream couch was along the back wall where the bed had once been. It looked like something I could sink into if I wasn’t careful, draped with blankets, and oh so inviting.
Stepping forward I couldn’t stop taking in all the little details that had been added. There was a sound system with speakers around the room and a handheld device that was loaded with all of Oscar’s music. Picking one at random the room was flooded with the soft lilting sound of a piano. The closet door was ajar so I peeked in, finding the whole thing reorganized and new shelving to work more efficiently for my things. There was even a shoe wall for all the pairs Spencer made me buy so I could easily see them.
Exiting back into the room I found Nixon watching me like a hawk, frozen as he waited for my verdict. Drifting over to the bed I pulled back part of the curtain and brushed my hand along the blankets nearly groaning at how soft they were. If I had ever dreamed of a room that I one day wished to have this would make everything pale in comparison. This, this was an act of love. One that wasn’t forced or manipulated in any way, because I knew he’d done it all by himself. He’d never risk allowing anyone in while my heat was happening.
I faced him, tears once more threatening to spill down my cheeks as I tried to speak. “You do love me,” I gasped, unable to stop the inevitable waterworks as my emotions got the better of me.
Nixon in two swift strides snatched me up and slammed his lips to mine, a possessive growl rumbled deep in his chest. “Yes Cambrie, I do love you and never again will I make you question that because I won’t leave your side ever again,” he murmured against my lips, kissing me every so often. “You light up my world like a bright northern star, guiding me home to the ones I love and my family I treasure.”
He nuzzled his nose against mine making me giggle before stealing the sound away with another kiss. My hands curled into his hair loving the feeling after having missed him the past few days. Even though I was lavished on by the others, it felt like a part of me had been missing, and it was the part of my heart Nixon held.
“Do you like it?” Nixon asked, his voice betraying how nervous he was as he put me down.
I grabbed his face and beamed. “I love it almost as much as I love you.” I got another breathtaking kiss before I pulled back trying to speak. “How did you do this all by yourself?”
“I took the advice Bodhi gave me and put my pent up energy into something useful,” he answered, looking over my shoulder where I assumed the man he was referring to stood. “I’m truly sorry, Bodhi, you didn’t deserve what I said to you and I didn’t mean a word of it.”
Twisting in Nixon’s hold I saw all of them were in my room taking in Nixon’s hard work.
“We’re all good man,” Bodhi assured him, waving it off. “This is impressive, hell of a lot of work for just three days.”
“I had plenty of energy to burn off,” Nixon sighed. “I don’t know about all of you but I could kill for a pizza right now. What do you say we order in and have a movie night?”
Spencer whipped out his phone and started to dial. “Are we all getting the usual?”
“Yeah, but make sure to add extra wings since we have Cambrie,” Marius reminded as he turned his attention to me. “What do you like on your pizza, Princess?”
Bodhi snorted. “My money is on cheese.”
My jaw dropped as I looked at him. “How did you know?”
All of them burst out laughing but I wasn’t getting the joke. How was what I said funny?
“Cambi,” Bodhi said, walking up to me and cupping my face. “Your love affair with cheese is well known in this house. Spence, you might want to tell them extra cheese and to make sure it’s good and melted but not brown. That perfect gooey stage, I’m sure Saul can manage it.”
Spencer shot him a thumbs up as he was talking to the person on the other end of the line.
“Who’s Saul?” I asked as I let Nixon and Bodhi lead me out of my room back out to the couches.
Nixon sat down in the corner of the longer sectional and pulled me down next to him, tucking me under his arm as if he couldn’t bear for there to be any space. “He’s the owner of our favorite pizza place. It’s not super close to here but we pay him whatever he asks for so they will deliver. Saul’s pizza is the best this city has to offer and we’ve tried them all.”
“He’s not exaggerating,” Rafael added. “I was skeptical when they kept boasting about it but then they ordered it and I was hooked. It has to be the sauce, or the crust, there is something about it that just makes it perfect.”
With all the talk about food my stomach let out a grumble, sharing how excited it was at the prospect of dinner.
Nixon smiled and kissed my head as he started to purr, nuzzling into my hair. “I have to admit I didn’t think you could get cuter but this teal hair really does something for you. It’s almost like it matches the bright life you have hidden inside that only we get to see.”
My cheeks heated at his compliment. Even after going through my heat and having rolled around naked with these men for days their sweet words had such an impact on me. “Thank you I’m glad you like it,” I whispered.
“I have to agree with him,” Marius said, taking his place on my other side, running his finger through the curls that fell over my shoulder. “It’s absolutely stunning Princess.” He took a chunk of hair and lifted it to his lips in a kiss. Who knew that could be so romantic?
“Alright everyone, pizza and wings are ordered,” Spencer announced as he joined us. “I’m gonna run down and grab some drinks, who wants a beer?” Everyone but myself and Bodhi raised their hands. “I figured as much, Bodhi, Dove, do you want soda instead or something else?”