Rafaelcarriedmeout of the shower, wrapped me in a towel, and set me on the counter in the middle of the double sinks. As if he had a sixth sense Bodhi walked in wearing sweats, with excitement shining in his eyes as he approached me with his hands behind his back.
“So remember during our movie day we talked about doing something fun with your hair?” Quickly he displayed a small box to me.
Cocking my head I read the label, and my eyes went wide. “Really? Can I really do that?”
“No one is going to stop you if you want to do it, Cambi,” Bodhi assured me. “Only if you want to, though. If you’re not ready for something like this we can wait, there is no rush at all.”
Hopping off the counter I rushed over and grabbed the box. “Can we do my whole head, or is it something we can only do in chunks like yours?” I asked, reading over every detail.
“I got three boxes in case you wanted to do your whole head, but now that I’m looking at how thick it is I’m not sure that will be enough,” Bodhi answered with a chuckle. “This is the perfect time to do it though since you already washed your hair.”
I squealed with delight and ripped the box open, and pulled everything out. Rafael kissed the top of my head as he left the bathroom with the warning not to make a mess. Bodhi and I read the instructions, donned the gloves from the boxes, and got to work. Thankfully Marius had a black T-shirt I pulled on so it wouldn’t stain as my hair fell around my shoulders.
“Thank you, Bodhi,” I whispered, turning to face him once the color was all over my head. Grabbing his face I pulled him down for a simple kiss, but soon I was pressed up against the counter and then hoisted up.
“You got to taste me but I haven’t gotten to taste you yet, and it's been driving me wild,” he murmured as he snagged the instructions. “Hmm, looks like you need to wait thirty minutes for this to process. I suppose I can work with that.”
Before I could ask him what he meant, Bodhi shoved open my legs and buried his face between them. “Oh my god,” I yelled as his tongue slipped inside me.
“Nope, just little old Bodhi doing the Lord’s work,” he corrected, his hazel eyes shining with mirth.
That made me burst out laughing until he resumed his work that was blessed by some god that I wanted to thank. His hands on my thighs kept them open as I tried to squash his face when it became too intense. Just when I thought I was going to come, Bodhi would move away from my clit or pull back all together letting me cool off as he kissed other places in the area that made me shiver. Sweat trickled down my back as time went on. My hands gripping the counter as I tried to hold myself up when all I wanted to do was lean back against the stark white wall behind me.
“Please, Bodhi,” I whimpered, my eyes closed, trying to hold on as I felt myself reaching the edge of the climax once more. “Let me come this time, please, please, please,” I pleaded a whine accenting the last please.
Fingers flicked at my nipples, making my eyes open, and there was Oscar with a wicked smile. He stood to the side and dipped his head to capture one of my nipples in his mouth as he toyed with the other with his hand. Whether Bodhi wanted me to come or not there was no way I could hold back at this point with the added stimulation. Oscar’s tongue swirled around the raised bud, then he nipped it rocketing me into a climax that had me screaming long and loud as Bodhi never gave up his quest between my legs. My arms gave out and I almost crashed into the wall but Oscar caught me, laughter now written all over his face as his shoulders shook. I wanted to be irritated at him for laughing at me but I was floating through clouds of bliss at the moment so he was saved from my scolding.
“Oscar, would you help me carry her to our bathroom so I can wash her hair out? I don’t think Marius would appreciate me doing it here,” Bodie admitted. “I’m sure he’s not in here freaking out simply because it’s Cambi that's coloring her hair.”
With a nod, Oscar opened his arms, and I fell into them, wrapping myself around his body. I waved to Marius and Spencer, who were talking as they changed the sheets.
“What the hell?” Spencer called out, catching a glimpse of me. “Oh you are so lucky Marius didn’t know what was going on in there.”
“I did,” Marius grumbled. “Don’t look at me like that. Were you gonna tell her no with that smile on her face? At least Bodhi is taking pity on me and washing it upstairs in his color explosion of a shower.”
Spencer just laughed, giving me a wink as I was carried out of the room. As we reached the top of the stairs, I caught a glimpse of Nixon slipping into my bedroom but I decided not to call out to him. If I was being truthful to myself I was hurt he walked away from me. My brain knew it was for a good reason but as much as these men had helped to start mending the pieces of my heart it was still very much broken. Him choosing not to be present felt like total rejection, and I didn’t know how to feel about it after everything else he’d said to me. One thing I wasn’t good with was mixed signals.
Oscar paused as if sensing my mood change and looked to see what I was staring at. Not seeing anything he just started to purr and kissed the side of my face. Appreciating the reassurance, I nuzzled him back making sure to keep him color free. When we entered the bathroom they shared I understood what Marius meant and why he was worried. The once white walls of the shower were now tie-dyed with splashes of various colors. It would seem that Bodhi didn’t just stick with red, but might have done every color of the rainbow.
“Okay Cambi, this water is going to be cold but we don’t want to lose more of it than we have to, so I’ll be as quick as I can,” Bodhi explained. “Now come kneel here and we’ll flip all this hair into the tub. The extension comes off the wall so it makes it easier, and you don’t have to suffer the cold water everywhere.”
I yelped when the icy water hit my scalp, my toes curled with the shock. Bodhi’s hands moved efficiently as he washed my hair until I saw the water starting to run clear, only the barest hint of color tinted the water. When he was finished, he wrung it all out, and Oscar helped to wrap it up in a turban. When I lifted my head the guys looked at me in horror.
“Um…” Bodhi started to speak but Oscar cut him off with a hand telling him to wait a moment.
I looked between them as Oscar rummaged through the closet, clapping when he found what he was looking for.
“Oh thank god,” Bodhi sighed. “I totally forgot you bought those the last time this happened to me. I didn’t think about it, with how long her hair is,” he muttered as he pulled a wipe out of the container and scrubbed my cheeks, ears, and hairline. “All that hair, of course, it would bleed everywhere. Could you imagine what the others would say if she came out looking like Smurfette?”
“Anyone gonna tell me what happened?” I inquired.
Oscar started to sign but then paused and grabbed his phone from his sweats’ pocket. He took a picture of my face then showed it to me. I gasped, hands covering my mouth as I saw the teal staining all over my skin from it hitting my face as he washed it out. My ears were totally covered as was my front hairline. Peals of laughter fell came out of my mouth as I held the phone taking in that image of myself. Offhandedly I noticed my bruises had finally faded, and my skin had more life to it.
“What the hell is going on in there?” Nixon’s voice asked from the other side of the bathroom door.
I froze, not ready to face him just yet after how beautiful the past few days had been. Panic started to claw at my throat as I tried to prepare myself for him to tell me he’d changed his mind about wanting me to be his Omega.