This time instead of just the tip more of his finger went in. My breathing was labored as I tried to hold on to Marius as the pressure built in a strangely delicious way. Part of me wanted to push him out because it shouldn’t be in there in the first place, yet as he gently used his other hand to rub my lower back I relaxed.

“That’s it my beautiful Dove, don’t fight the feeling even if your body is screaming it's wrong. Just accept that it’s different and breathe through it,” Spencer encouraged.

“Good girl, Cambrie,” Marius rumbled in my ear as he smoothed a hand down my back. “I can feel him moving inside you, his fingers fucking that tight little asshole.”

I wanted to sob with how good my whole body felt with Marius’s cock in my pussy, and Spencer now sliding two fingers into my ass. Every time these men wanted to ‘teach’ me something new I just needed to say yes because I’d never felt so much pleasure in my life. As my body adjusted Marius and Spencer fell into an alternating rhythm that made my mind go black. I felt everything, my skin felt like it was on fire and I didn’t think I’d survive much longer without selling my soul to these men to fuck me like this forever.

My scream filled the room as I came again, my whole body convulsing so much that Spencer removed his hand, and Marius had to lie me on my side. Marius didn’t pull out because apparently what set off the explosion was his knot swelling, tossing me over the edge into ecstasy. Nothing in the world mattered right now but the feeling of these men wrapping me in their arms whispering how much they cared about me. Never in my life did I believe this could happen outside of a storybook.

“What a good girl you are, Princess, you came so beautifully on my cock taking my knot deep inside you,” Marius purred as I felt his hips flexing as his cum filled me.

Spencer was humping my back, the feel of his seed shooting over my skin as he moaned in my ear. “Our sweet Dove, making me cum just by the sound of her voice and watching her get fucked senseless by our Alpha as I finger fucked your ass, simply beautiful.”

Every touch had me writhing and gasping for breath clamping harder on Marius’s knot.

“Cambrie, if you keep doing that I’m going to claim you right here, right now,” Marius warned as he nuzzled his face against my neck. “I want to leave my mark on your skin showing the world we possess the most incredible Omega in existence.”

His words seemed to knit broken shards of my soul back together. Each of these men, every day I’d been with them, had slotted another piece of my shattered puzzle back in its rightful spot. While they kept saying it wasn’t the right time for them to claim me there was nothing I wanted more.

“Alpha,” I whispered. “Will you mark me? I know you keep saying to wait, that it's too soon, but I know without a shadow of a doubt I won’t be able to survive this without all of you.”

Marius clung to me tightly, his teeth scraping over the skin of my neck, then bit down and stopped just before it would break the skin. He didn’t move, just held me as if he couldn’t bring himself to do it yet causing hot tears to roll down my cheeks. Why wouldn’t they mark me?

“Little One,” Rafael murmured, taking Spencer’s spot. “Don’t cry, please don’t be sad. You are ours, mind and spirit you belong to each and every one of us. The only reason we don’t claim you right now is we need to address it with the government first. Once that is all settled and they know we’ve chosen you I promise we will claim you the second we get home.”

I sniffled, relaxing into Rafael’s larger body slightly more reassured. “When will you talk to them?”

“When your heat is over, we will hand in our petition and make this all official,” Rafael stated.

Marius’s body tensed and he removed his mouth from me and looked at the Alpha behind me with anger in his eyes. “Is that so?”

“Yes, there is no reason for them to deny us the right to have an Omega. We fit all the qualifications and you’re an Official, the matter should be simple,” Rafael challenged, a warning note in his tone.

“I don’t think this is the right time to be talking about this,” Marius said, brushing a hand along my cheek. “Let’s not worry about such things while we are enjoying this time together. You absolutely are our Omega and there is no one who could replace you. Things will happen as they are meant to, and will end in us creating a life together.”

Completely soothed by their reassurances I rested in the arms of two of my Alphas as the heat began to cool. It wasn’t done with me but I was getting more coherent moments. My stomach rumbled and I couldn’t help but giggle as everyone looked at me expectantly.

“Bodhi, is there any chance I might be able to talk you into making me a grilled cheese? I really wanted one when I came home from the mall but then this happened,” I asked as he appeared behind Rafael.

“You got it, Cambi, one grilled cheese coming right up,” he said, giving me a wink before he took off.

“That Beta is wrapped around your finger like nothing I’ve ever seen before,” Rafael chuckled.

My mind drifted back to that moment sandwiched between him and Oscar. “I don’t think it’s just me he’s like that with.”

“Can’t say I’m surprised,” Spencer shared with exasperation. “About time you made a move, Oscar. I thought I was going to have to do something drastic for you two to finally realize you’ve been mooning over each other for at least a year.”

I assume Oscar had something to say but caught between Marius and Rafael I couldn't see. As I lay there connected to Marius in one of the most intimate ways a person could be, my mind drifted to Nixon. What was he doing? Was he alright? Did he hate me for stealing his whole pack for the past two days?

“Princess, what has you thinking so hard? You’ve got wrinkles in your brow from concentrating so deeply,” Marius asked as he used a finger to smooth out said wrinkles.

“Nixon,” I murmured.

“Hmm,” he answered, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “Worried about him?”

I nodded curling up closer to him, hiding my face in his chest. “Why didn’t he want me?”

Marius slid a hand under my chin and forced me to look up at him. “That is not what happened. Nixon cares about you so deeply, that is the reason he’s not here.”