When Marius promised something I got the sense he never offered that lightly. He struck me as a person who took promises as seriously as knights did oh so long ago. Once a vow or promise was made he would do whatever it took to keep it. I didn’t sleep but I let my eyes shut and just enjoyed having Marius close to me. Now that I’d gotten to know him a little better his scent wasn’t as overpowering as that first night. It was just as strong but instead of being intimidating, all it made me think was how safe I was.
“Welcome back, Mr. Hayes,” the guard at the gate greeted. “Is the gentleman in the truck with you?”
“Yes, he’s a friend, also works for government security so he’s already got clearance,” Nixon said.
The guard looked back at the truck a little uneasy. “What’s his name?”
“Savo Bakal,” Spencer answered, leaning across the center console.
That had the guard snapping his head back to us. “Bakal, you said?”
“Yeah, is there a problem?” Nixon demanded, his tone losing the friendliness to it.
“Nope, and he’s more than got clearance. Official Yoram has him down as authorized personnel. I’ll make sure to get him the proper sticker so we can avoid this happening again. Once I’m through with him I’ll send him your way,” the guard shared with a salute and backed up waving us along.
“Why would Yoram give Savo that kind of clearance?” Nixon asked, looking at Spencer.
The Beta shrugged. “Look, we are friends but not best friends who tell each other everything about our lives. How the hell should I know why the man gets special treatment from the devil?”
“Why is he the devil?” I asked, incredibly confused at what they were saying.
Marius sighed and paused in his mindless stroking of my hair. “He’s not really the devil, it’s more that everything he does is about what he can get out of it. Yoram is another member of the CoF but in reality, he controls most things, has all the connections, and is incredibly hard to beat when he wants something to happen that might not be for the best of everyone.”
“So… he’s a really bad friend,” I said, trying to make sense of what Marius was trying to say.
“You could say that again,” Spencer muttered. “The man is as selfish as it gets. If he can’t make a profit from it, then fuck everyone else who stands in his way.”
“Spence,” Nixon admonished as we pulled into the driveway. “Don’t swear like that in front of Cambrie.”
“It’s fine, my father swore so much that I don’t really notice it anymore,” I interjected. “I know that words can be hurtful but I also know sometimes you need the right word to express how you’re feeling. If that’s how Spencer feels about it, then really, he’s sharing his emotions which everyone should do.”
Nixon looked at Spencer with a frown. “Just because that made way more logical sense than it had any right to doesn’t mean you should start swearing more.” Spencer gave his Alpha a grin then a quick peck on the lips before getting out. “He’s totally going to ignore what I just said, isn’t he?”
“One hundred percent,” Marius agreed, shaking his head. “Come on Cambrie, let’s round up the others and see if we can get all these bags up to your room. Then we can get the things that wouldn’t fit out of Savo’s truck.”
Sliding out of the car I looked at the overflowing trunk. “I told you guys it was too much. It’s going to take me forever to wear this many things.”
“Good thing you have a big closet in your room then, isn’t it?” Spencer reasoned, giving me a wink and grabbing as many bags as he could carry.
I reached out to take a few but Marius grabbed my wrist keeping his touch light. “Go find the others. We will deal with this.”
“There’s no reason I can’t help, Marius,” I argued.
Marius caught my chin with his hand telling me I’d done something to upset him. “Cambrie, while I understand your need for independence and to take care of things yourself, which I respect. There is also a time when you need to hear what I’m saying and listen. Sometimes our requests might not make sense but I promise there is a reason we ask these things.”
Meekly I lowered my eyes, and when he released my chin, I nodded. “I’ll go find the others.”
Before Marius or the others could stop me I ran into the open garage and into the house. Peering into the living room I didn’t see anyone so I ventured into the kitchen. It was dark and silent so I peered out the back door and saw the light on where Oscar worked out back. Setting my one shopping bag on the counter I headed off through the yard over to the little house. The French doors had paned glass in them so I could see Oscar sitting at a piano with headphones on.
I didn’t want to bother Oscar, but if I didn’t, then Marius would be more upset with me than he already was. The handle turned easily allowing my entry into his space. The soft clack of the keys as he played totally oblivious to me standing there. Knowing how I would prefer to be approached I stepped to the side and waved my hand in front of my chest. That way he could see the motion but it wouldn’t be taken as a threat.
Instantly he stopped and smiled seeing it was me he pulled off his headphones. He waved in greeting and opened his arms inviting me in for a hug. After the incident with Marius I needed the kind of hug Oscar could give me. It was everything wonderful in the world. I let him hold me for a moment, then I pulled back and looked him in the eyes. “Marius would like your help with carrying things in, he sent me to find you.”
Oscar nodded and made a few clicks in a program that was running on a computer next to him. Then he stood and held out a hand to me but I shook my head. “No, he doesn’t want me to help just to find you three. I was gonna look for Bodhi upstairs, but I’m not sure where to find Rafael.”
He gestured for me to wait a moment, then grabbed his phone. He typed something and when the phone pinged he showed it to me. Oscar had texted both of them, asking for them to come out and help with bringing things up to my room. Shoving his phone back in his pocket he took my hand and led me out to the front yard through a gate I hadn’t noticed before. When we got there the other two were already helping and Savo was grabbing things out of his truck.
“Cambrie,” Marius barked, making me freeze. “Didn’t I tell you to go inside?”