“Oh, I wouldn’t want to impose,” I said automatically.

Spencer reached out and cupped my cheek, making him look up at me. “Trust me when I say it would never be an imposition to spend time with you.” His thumb stroked my cheek gently before he pulled it away to open the door to the back seat. “I know you two haven’t had much time together yet but that’s why I planned today. He’ll be around all weekend but taking you out so it’s just the four of us will be nice. Then we don’t have to compete with the others.”

I climbed in as the two Alphas joined us and we were underway. Nixon waved as we passed the guard at the gate and I instinctively ducked down not wanting to be noticed. Being in the house with them almost made me forget the dangers of the world and what that meant for me as an Omega. One would think being with three people and one who is an Official would make me feel safe but it didn’t. Not because I didn’t trust them to look out for me, it was more about everyone else. I knew first hand how cruel the world could be and I couldn’t go back to that.

The drive to the mall was much longer than I would have guessed, and we took the highway the whole time to get there. Watching the city pass us by was fascinating as all the tall buildings started to shrink into suburban houses. I recognized a park as one I used to play in before Mom died making me think we might be in my old neighborhood. Nixon pulled off the highway and down a few streets until we arrived at a massive shopping mall. Signs for the major stores were listed on the outside of the building and the parking lot was full of cars even though it was late morning.

“This is supposed to be the best mall with all the best stores for what we need,” Spencer shared as we drove around the outskirts of the mall. “The places by us are way too fancy and fussy. I knew you wouldn’t like anything in them or let us spend that much on you.”

“About that,” I ventured, then stopped talking the moment Marius looked over his shoulder at me.

“What was that, Princess?” he asked, knowing he’d heard me.

I licked my lips nervously, then decided to say my piece. “I know you told me not to worry about the money and that the pack looks out for each other but I need you all to know that you don’t need to do this for me to like you.”

There I said it.Part of me wondered if all the nice things they’ve been doing, like getting stuff for my bedroom and now this shopping trip were to make sure I liked them. That if they bought me enough stuff I would be happy, and they didn’t need to do that at all. I was the happiest I’d ever been in my whole life, and it was because of them.

Nixon pulled into a parking spot that he’d managed to find close to one of the main mall entrances. He placed the vehicle in park and turned to look at me like Marius was. “Sweetheart, do you really think we are doing all this to buy your love and affection?”

“I… I just wanted you to know that I do like you, but not because of your money, or the things you give me,” I babbled, feeling insecure. “All of you have been so good to me and I’m not really sure what I’ve done to deserve it but you guys just being you is more than enough to have me like you. Maybe even more than like you… I… I’ve never been in love before so I have no idea what that feels like. But I do know that even if you didn’t have a penny I’d still like you and want to be with you.”

Marius’s expression seemed to melt into something that was equal parts sad and hopeful. “Princess, I love that you feel that way about us and I hope we deserve that affection you give so willingly. As for your concerns about us spending money on you, it is because we believe you deserve to be showered with gifts. You may not have been raised as an Omega but this is exactly what Alphas are supposed to do. It is our job to make sure you are provided for in every way, and right now you are in need of some provisions.”

“Sweetheart, you don’t have anything to your name but that yellow dress and trench coat. Everyone deserves to have clothes to wear, a bed to sleep in, food to eat, and a roof over their head. Right now we are dealing with getting you clothes and other personal items to live life day to day. You owe us nothing other than being happy and healthy in our care,” Nixon added. “Now let’s go enjoy our afternoon and see what we can find, alright?”

Having settled that matter we got out of the car and headed for the mall. Marius took one hand while Nixon took the other as Spencer led the charge. I think out of all of us he was the most excited. When we entered I was overwhelmed with all the stores, I don’t think I’d ever been to a mall before. Spencer directed us to a store overflowing with clothes, shoes, undergarments, and so much more. It was even two levels, women on one and men on the other.

It wasn’t long before I was set up in a dressing room and clothes lining the walls for me to try on. It was mind-boggling to me that there was so much to choose from, having shopped mostly at second-hand stores. Now if I liked the shirt but not the color there were three other options. It was hard to pick a size because I knew I was far too skinny, and even with the few days I had regular meals, my bones weren’t sticking out quite so much. So while the extra small might fit now I’m not sure it would in a few weeks. So with the other’s opinions, we settled on some smalls and some mediums as I filled out.

Shoes were easier because even if they are skinny they stay close to the same size. While I thought I was just going to get a pair of shoes that I could wear with almost everything the men decided on a different answer. I couldn’t even look at something too long before they snatched it up and added it to the pile.

“I think this was a successful first round don’t you?” Spencer asked as we waited for Marius and Nixon to load the bags into the car.

Looking up at him I gaped like a fish. “What do you mean, first round? That is more clothes than I’ll ever be able to wear.”

“My sweet, sweet Dove, that was just the basics. Now we need to get the fun stuff, like swimsuits, dresses, coats. We should probably stop by a beauty store to get you stuff for your hair too,” Spencer rambled as I slowly started to freak out.

Then suddenly I was knocked to the side as someone entered the mall in a hurry. The shove was so hard I slammed into Spencer, letting out a yelp of surprise.

“I’m so sorry… Cambrie?” a strange voice called out making me whimper, hiding my face in Spencer’s shirt. “Cambrie, is that you? Your father has been looking everywhere for you.”