Agreeingtobein the same bed as Cambrie right now was one of the stupidest things I’d done in a long time. I knew the control I had over myself and the need to bury my cock deep within her pussy until I knotted her good and tight was holding on by a thread. Her bed was a queen and while for two people it was enough space to manage… three was another story. Looking down, I saw her face tucked against my chest. The moment she fell asleep she cuddled in close with a deep happy sigh that made me want to fight the world to keep her safe. Right now the person I needed to fight was myself.
Spencer was at her back with a hand draped over her hip brushing against the skin right above my cock. It was so hard I could feel it pulsing against my leg. I’d tried everything to distract myself but when the best smelling fucking snickerdoodle cookie was curled up against you it was impossible to forget about the dessert within your grasp. I knew I needed to fix this and if I couldn’t fuck her, then I was gonna need to fuck the only other person who made me lose control like this.
Grabbing his wrist, I drew his hand to my cock, rubbing it along the outside of my boxers I was sleeping in. It took a minute but slowly Spencer cracked open an eye and met my gaze. We’d been together long enough all I had to do was cock one brow at him and he knew what I wanted. He frowned and shook his head slightly, looking down at Cambrie.
Fuck he’s right.There’s no way we could fool around with her in the bed. That was crossing more boundaries than I could even imagine. No, we needed another option, but I’d promised I wouldn’t leave the room so that left us with the floor or the bathroom. I gestured for him to get out of bed first, and he carefully extracted himself from around her body. He headed straight for the ridiculous pile of pillows and grabbed a pink one, and brought it over to me.
“Tuck this in front of you so when you move she has something to cuddle,” he whispered as he handed it over.
When I took it I understood why he picked this one, it was squishy as shit in the best way. I almost had the urge to cuddle it myself. It felt so nice, but my need wasn’t going to let that happen so my sweet little Cambrie would hang on to it for me. Slowly I slipped one leg out of bed and then the other, keeping low like I was a burglar trying to get out unnoticed. Kneeling on the ground beside the bed I looked up at Spencer.
“Will you be a good boy, my Prince?” I asked as I pulled out my cock. “Your Alpha needs a good boy right now who can help with this problem.”
Spencer’s pupils blew wide as he dropped to his knees and crawled forward, licking his lips. “Yes Alpha, I’m a very good boy who would love nothing more than to ease your pain.”
I stifled the growl those words elicited from me. There was nothing sexier than my Beta with his ass up and mouth watering to take my cock in his mouth. God what a mouth it was, as his hot breath brushed against my tight needy cock. His tongue flicked out, lapping up the pre-cum that was leaking out of me. I knew it wouldn’t take me long to cum. The question was if I really was in rut, would once be enough?
Biting my fist I groaned as Spencer’s lips wrapped around the tip of my cock while his hand squeezed the base where my knot started to pulse. Fuck, just picturing what it would be like to have Cambrie wrapped around my knot was almost enough for me to blow my load and we hadn’t even gotten started yet.
“What a good Prince, let me in, let me fuck that glorious mouth of yours,” I cooed, letting my hand slide to the back of Spencer’s skull. The perfect place for me to control just how deep he took my cock. “That’s it, take it all, let me into your throat, feel you swallow around me. Just like that, yes.”
I knew I was talking too much but I couldn’t stop myself. When I was with my partner I wanted them to know what I wanted and just how much they pleased me. Some people didn’t like or understand dirty talk or praising their partner but I never wanted them to have doubts.
The beautiful sounds of Spencer gagging on my cock as I pushed it just a little too far made me shiver. His hand gripped my thighs but he wasn’t giving me the signal I was being too rough so I went with it. Watching his eyes water as he looked up at me, my cock ravaging his mouth did something to me on a primal level. He trusted me to know what was too much even though he had the power to end this in a second.
Knowing that coming in his mouth wouldn’t take the edge off like I’d hoped, I eased up on him before pulling out of his mouth completely. Grabbing his throat I drew him up to me and kissed the hell out of him. My tongue chased after his wanting to taste him even knowing he’d just had my cock in his mouth. A man who was afraid to kiss someone after they sucked their cock didn’t deserve the pleasure. They ought to be kissed right after in gratitude no matter what.
Spencer clung to my arm, whimpers leaking out of his mouth, telling me he was in as much need as I was. Of course he was. The lucky bastard had been getting some heavy petting in with our Omega before I joined the party and fucked it all up.
“What do you need, my Prince? Tell me and I will give it to you,” I murmured against his lips.
“Fuck me, Alpha, I need your cock inside me, please,” Spencer begged.
My lips slammed against his, rewarding him for being honest as I reached out and stroked his cock that was poking out of his boxers. “How do you want me to fuck you?”
“I want you to hold me as you fuck my ass, Alpha,” Spencer said, wriggling out of his boxers before climbing into my lap.
“We don’t have any lube in here, my Prince,” I warned as I lubed my finger up with spit.
Spencer grabbed my hand and signaled for me to give him a moment as he got up and raced to the bathroom. He returned with a jar pure of coconut oil which he scraped out a good chunk and worked over my cock. It melted into a smooth, silky lube that would do just the trick. I took some and massaged it into his asshole, dipping a finger in ensuring he was prepared. The last thing I ever wanted was for sex to be uncomfortable for either of us.
My sexy Prince climbed back onto my lap, holding himself up as I gripped my dick making sure it was steady for him to settle himself on. Spencer eased my cock inch by inch, warming himself up until he could finally take my whole shaft up to my knot that had started to expand. His arms twined around my neck as he pulled me into a kiss while he rocked against me. I let him pick the pace to start with as we hadn’t taken the time to stretch him to take me. Splaying my hands wide on his back I supported him as he moved, then once I felt he was loose enough I thrust into him. A gasp escaped him as he tossed back his head in ecstasy, fanning the flames of my male ego, because I was the one who was causing him to make that face and it felt amazing.
Shifting my hands lower to grip his hips more firmly I sped up my movements, pressing him down, making him take everything he could. While some Betas worked at being able to take an Alpha’s knot Spencer had chosen against it, which I didn’t mind. I love how tight he was, clinging to my cock, milking it when I came inside him. There was so much more to us than having my knot wrung out. The love we shared completed us with or without that. Besides, now we have Cambrie, and one day, hopefully not in the too distant future, she would be the first to ever take my knot.
Spencer faltered in his movements. Thinking I’d pushed him too far, I slowed, tucking my face into his neck where I grabbed the skin right as his neck met the shoulder. Gently I nibbled on it with my teeth, the place I craved to one day mark him as mine forever. I’d seen Marius’s claim and it made me desperate to leave my own, so that’s what I did. This drove Spencer wild, his hips moved faster, then he slipped a hand between us to stroke his cock telling me he was close. My own climax was building, and the way Spencer was clenching tightly around me I knew I wouldn’t last much longer.
With a moan Spencer came, his hot come spurting on my stomach as he clamped his mouth on my shoulder to keep quiet. With another thrust, I too exploded, filling his asshole with my mark, claiming him in the only way I could right now, ensuring my scent would linger on him for a good long while. We clung to each other as we caught our breath, and I scattered kisses over whatever skin I could find whispering how much I loved him in his ear.
“You hold my soul, sweet Prince,” I murmured. “But I hope you don’t mind sharing my heart with another?”
“Not as long as you don’t mind me sharing mine with yet another,” he answered, sitting back so I could see his face. His eyes glittered with mischief that had me a little worried. “Seems we weren’t that quiet.”
Glancing over at the bed I saw Cambrie sitting there hugging the pillow I’d given her with wide eyes. I could tell from the perfume wafting off her she’d enjoyed watching the two of us together. Spencer gave me a slow drawn out kiss before he stood up, winked, and headed to the bathroom with my cum leaking out of his ass.
“Is that what you wanted to show me earlier?” Cambrie asked, her voice breathy, drawing my full attention.
Had we turned our little Omega on? Did she even understand what she was feeling right now? What the fuck was I supposed to do now?