“Is it that hot when you watch me making out with one of you?” Spencer asked his Alphas. “Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more beautiful or sensual in my life.”
My cheeks grew hotter at his words as my stomach did excited flips of joy. Oscar had just kissed me! My very first kiss and it was amazing! I lifted my hands to my lips and felt how swollen they were, proving that what just happened wasn’t a dream.
“I’m fairly certain I can speak for us all, if we had any doubts of our interest in you it’s no longer there,” Rafael stated. “Little One, there is nothing I want more than to pull you into my lap and show you why those lips should never be chewed on again. There are far more enjoyable things that can be done with them.”
“Raffie!” Spencer scolded the Alpha. “Don’t talk like that to her, you’re going to scare her away from the idea. I, for one, would like to ensure that I get a chance to taste her lips and if you go all dirty old man on her it will never happen.”
Rafael lifted his nose and scented the air. “I’d say by her perfume she’s anything but turned off by what I said.”
Bodhi shot to his feet. “Okay I think everyone needs to take a walk to cool down, then come back to the table so we can finish our meal. I think Cambi is now well aware of how we all feel about her so let’s give the girl a break.”
Oscar nuzzled into my neck taking a deep breath before releasing me so I could return to my chair. The other three Alphas did as Bodhi requested, got up from the table, and headed into the kitchen. A few moments later they returned with short glasses filled with amber liquid and ice. By the smell of it I could tell it was liquor of some sort but I wasn’t worried about things getting out of hand. Unlike my father they only had a mouthful or two instead of a bottle to drink.
“Princess,” Marius said as he once more had the bakery box in his hands. “I believe you told us it was your birthday not too long ago and I had a feeling you never got to celebrate it.” He flipped open the lid and there was a beautiful round cake with white frosting and brightly colored flowers. Written on the cake in cursive was Happy Birthday Cambrie!
Gasping, I covered my mouth as I took in the sight of the cake. I hadn’t celebrated my birthday since I was eight. Mom always tried to do something special and she always made sure there was a cake with candles.
“Hold on,” Bodhi blurted and rushed into the kitchen. Quickly he was back with candles and stuck them in various places that wouldn’t destroy the design. There were only five but it didn’t matter, it was the thought that counted. “Are we singing?”
“If you call what comes out of some of our mouths singing, then yeah. It’s not a birthday without a little embarrassment, right?” Spencer reasoned. “Bodhi you lead and sing as loud as you can since you’re the one with the talent here.”
“One, two, three…” Bodhi counted down, and out of his mouth came the most amazing sound.
While I knew the others were singing along, Bodhi had me transfixed with the slight rasp in his buttery tone. It slid against my skin like silk and all I wanted to do was be wrapped up in it. All too soon the song was over and I had to shake myself out of a daze as everyone waited for me to blow out the candles. Taking a deep breath I did my best to get them all in one go, which I did for all but one. It fizzled out and then popped back to life again. I blew again, same thing, it went out, then came back.
I sat back a moment staring at it like I could figure out how this kept happening. I gave it one more shot but when it burst back to life again I looked at the others for help. Each of them were trying to hold back laughter but I had no idea what was so funny. This darn candle wouldn’t blow out.
“Am I doing something wrong?” I asked, glaring at the candle.
“Yup, I don’t think there could ever be a more perfect Omega to have in our lives,” Nixon said, licking two fingers and snuffing out the candle. “It’s a trick candle, Sweetheart. They are made so no matter how many times you blow it out, it will come back.”
“Sorry Cambi, I didn’t know there was one in the bunch. I just grabbed what I could find in the drawer,” Bodhi apologized.
I smiled at him and shook my head. “No need to apologize, it was a good trick now I get why all of you were laughing.” I looked down at the cake before me and pouted a little. “It’s so pretty I almost hate to cut it.”
The cake was instantly snatched away. “What did I say about knives?” Nixon scolded. “One of us will cut it up and then you won’t have to feel so bad about it.”
Chuckling, I sat in my seat and watched as Marius and Bodhi argued over the best way to cut the cake. Spencer pulled my chair closer to him and wrapped an arm around my shoulders so my head rested on his chest. “Happy belated birthday, Dove,” he murmured in my ear. “But I have to say I think we got the gift, having you walk into our lives.”
My cheeks flushed as I cuddled closer to him taking in his refreshing citrus and coconut scent. It made me think of what spending time on the beach somewhere tropical might smell like. Maybe one day I might find out, every other dream I’ve had so far has come true.
After the cake was eaten, dinner was cleaned up and put away, I found myself in my bedroom looking through more bags. Apparently, the new bed and other furniture they bought would be here Monday since they didn’t deliver over the weekend and tomorrow was Saturday. Everyone would be home for the next two days and I was trying not to bounce with excitement.
“Dove, what do you think about painting the walls?” Spencer asked, lying on his back looking around the room. “With all the color we’ve added into the space I feel like the plain white walls just aren’t right.”
“But wouldn’t that make all the color we added get lost? Right now it’s so bright and cheerful because nothing is competing with it,” I countered.
New curtains had been hung, the blankets and pillows had been placed to the side waiting for the new bed, and a beautiful woven swing was hanging from the ceiling for me to read in. Spencer and I looked through tons of pictures of bedrooms oohing and ahhing over various things.
“You make a good point and the plan I have inspired by your blanket fort is going to be a showstopper,” he admitted, sitting up and facing me. “So how do you feel about going shopping with me tomorrow?”
“For what?” I asked, feeling like there couldn’t be anything more he’d need to buy for the room.
“You, clothes remember?” he teased, booping me on the nose. “What do you say? A date with you, me, Marius, and Nixon.”
My eyes went wide. “A date… like a real one?”
Spencer’s eyes glowed with happiness as he smiled. “Yeah, Dove, a real date with three men who are extremely interested in this one stunning Omega with beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair.”