Looking at it with new eyes I could see how the bottoms might be smaller than a pair of underwear and the top was only large triangles to cover your boobs. Not that I had any to worry about, but then the thought that wearing this would show off too many of my scars I decided maybe it wasn’t right.
“Yeah, I think I need something with a little more coverage. Who knows if I’ll have gained enough weight back,” I said, setting the tablet down. “Better leave that for after dinner it’s rude to ignore those at the table with you.”
Bodhi walked out with a large pot of steaming yummy goodness and set it in the middle of the table. “Oscar should be in any minute. Has anyone heard from Marius?”
“Last I knew he was going to visit Alton, so I’m not sure if he’s going to stay there for dinner or not,” Spencer shared. “You know Marla when she lays down the law.”
Nixon shivered. “I don’t know if I’ve ever met a Beta who terrified me as much as she does. That man is a strong one to have been bonded to her for so long.”
“Well then we won’t wait,” Bodhi decided as he set the last few things on the table.
Oscar walked in through the kitchen holding a basket of rolls that he set down before taking a seat across from me. He gave me a wink which made me smile as I took a sip of water, then nearly choked on it when he grabbed my injured hand. He looked at it then at Bodhi knowing he would have the answers.
“Battle wound while making dinner, she’s going to be fine,” Bodhi assured him. “Helped to bandage it up myself.”
“You mean half mummified her finger? How much gauze did you think was really necessary?” Spencer asked as he leaned past me to see Bodhi.
Bodhi glared at Spencer. “It was still bleeding. I wanted to make sure it didn’t bleed through. We’ll change it before she goes to bed to make sure it’s stopped, otherwise we’ll take her to the hospital.”
A shockwave of fear slammed into me at the notion of going to the hospital. “No, no hospitals,” I blurted. “Please no matter what happens I can’t ever go there!” Everyone gaped at me so surprised by my outburst that I shrunk down in my chair. “Mom made me promise I would never, ever go to a hospital no matter what. If I did, then they would take me away forever.”
“What do you mean Little One, who would take you away?” Rafael asked, his voice calm and soothing to my nerves.
“She never said, only that going to a hospital would be the worst thing for me. I went once when I broke my arm, they asked me so many questions and I heard them talking about taking me from my father. Once the cast was on I ran, I couldn’t let them take me,” I whispered.
“Sweetheart, I think your mother was talking about if they found out your father was hurting you. Then they would take you away, put you in a foster home to make sure you were safe,” Nixon said, reaching out to place his hand over mine. “You don’t have to worry about that now, he’s never going to get you back, and they can’t take you from us now that you’re eighteen.”
Once the fear subsided I thought about his words. He was right, I knew about child services and how they took kids from bad homes. It’s why we moved and I couldn’t go to school. They would notice and take me from Father.
“You’re probably right, things are different now that I’m older. They can’t take me and I trust you won’t let my father take me either,” I said, giving them all a weak smile as I pulled myself together.
My stomach growled loudly, stirring everyone into motion as my plate was taken and food was placed on it. When I got it back I realized they put small servings of everything on there for me. Even the roll was cut in half ensuring I wouldn’t have too much food on my plate to feel guilty about.
“If you want more of anything you speak up, alright?” Bodhi commanded, pointing a finger at me.
“Promise,” I said, picking up my fork. “I’m super excited to try everything. It all smelled so good as you were cooking.”
“Just so everyone knows, Cambrie helped me prepare dinner so this meal is a joint effort,” Bodhi stated, everyone then promptly started to eat.