“Nah, Savo is a good guy, and it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had him do this favor. He did it for Bodhi when we were worried about that witch foster mom of his trying to go after him for ‘assaulting’ her husband,” Spencer said using finger quotes.

The woman was crazy, and her husband got what was coming to him after all he put Bodhi and the other kids in that home through. Tough love was one thing when you have a house full of problem children, but verbally abusing the kids until one of them committed suicide was another. Teach them discipline and responsibility but going so far as to make them believe they were worthless is never acceptable. Bodhi’s last act before leaving was to break the man’s jaw so he couldn’t speak for at least a month.

“Savo is an immigrant from Asturg, who once worked in intelligence in the military back in his country. It got too dangerous for him to be there so he left and now is doing cyber security. Occasionally he will do full time security but only if he likes the person. Dude’s in high demand but won’t take just any job. He’s picky,” Spencer rattled on. “Although he told me he got pulled by the government for a job so we’ll see if he even has time to help.”

Nixon gave Spencer a quizzical look. “When the hell did you meet a person like that? I’ve never heard you talk about him before.”

“Oh we met at one of the campaign dinners, you know how bored I get at those things. He was working security and saved me when I locked myself out on the roof. Said he saw me on the cameras and came to the rescue,” Spencer explained.

If that wasn’t the most Spencer thing I’d ever heard, I had to fight to keep a straight face. Spencer never met a stranger and even though he didn’t like the high brow parties he always managed to find friends in the wait staff, hotel employees, and now security.

“How many people has he removed from our records?” Nixon demanded once that part of the conversation finally hit home.

“Ah…” Spencer drawled. “Do you really want to know the answer or just trust that I do it when necessary?”

Nixon held up his hands. “You’re right, I don’t want to know. With everything else that’s going on I really don’t need to know.” He paused for a moment, then lowered his hands. “Do you think he would work for us? To look after Cambrie? We can’t keep her in the house forever. She will need to step outside at some point.”

“Like I said he got pulled in for a government job but I’ll find out when I ask about removing her information,” Spencer said as he headed for the door. “You two going to be alright if I leave?”

I waved him off. “Go do what you need to, we’ll be fine, but thank you for handling that situation so well.”

“With two Alpha partners you get used to dealing with the hot headed moments,” he said over his shoulder, shutting the door behind him.

“That Beta is lucky I love him as much as I do.” Nixon sighed, running his hands through his hair. “So what do we do about this? Should we tell the others?”

“My gut response is no, let’s just keep it to the three of us, watch and see how things go, then if we need to involve the others we can. Right now there’s nothing they can do except worry,” I reasoned.

Nixon grunted at that. “Is there really nothing we can do right now except worry?”

“Yeah, make sure that bastard never finds her,” I stated.