Knowing the truth about the CoF made me question why I should even keep trying day in and day out, getting here early, staying far into the evening when none of it mattered? Because one day I would find that smoking gun that would help me to get Yoram removed from his position. Nixon and Spencer knew the truth of things but I kept it from the others not wanting to crush their ideal before I had something that could change things. On my sister’s grave I vowed I would change the world so no one else had to suffer through what she had.

Now Cambrie lands in my lap having survived so much cruelty just for being an Omega. I was going to fight even harder because she would be a daily reminder that what I was fighting for could have changed her whole life. I might not be able to remove all the shadows from her eyes but I can damn well make sure it won’t happen to someone else. It had to end.

Once through security, I split off from Fredrick and headed for the stairs. My office was on the fourth floor but the City Records department was on the second floor. Not wanting Yoram’s shadow to know what I was doing, the stairs were a safer bet, Fredrick would never use them. This was a trick I learned early and used often, giving me the ability to move more freely.

With all the research I was doing, Bethany, the head of records, and I had become friendly. Spencer was under the impression she wanted to be more than friends but I disagreed. Sure she was a beautiful woman, but I never gave up hope of our pack one day having an Omega at its center. Most female Omegas wouldn’t take well to having another female in the dynamic, so I never let the thought cross my mind. I had Spencer, and was content with our relationship until things needed to change.

“Oh good morning Marius,” Bethany greeted, her green eyes lighting up at my appearance. “What can I help you with today?”

“Do we have a section dedicated to the laws pertaining to Omegas?” I asked, setting my briefcase on the counter.

Bethany frowned at my request. “That depends, what part of the laws are you looking for? Inactive laws that are no longer practiced or the current one?”

“Both, I’m trying to put together a proposal to allow Omegas and packs to pick each other instead of being assigned like they are now,” I explained as broadly as I could. “My hope is to compare pregnancy rates from then to now.”

“Well that won’t do you any good,” she huffed. “The laws changed once the attack happened, and people were snatching Omegas off the streets all willy-nilly. It was clear that the packs weren’t able to protect them so the government had to step in and ensure a pack could keep them safe.”

“Thank you Bethany, I did get the same education you did in school. I know what they tell us but now we have far more information on present trends as well as the past. I just feel like things aren’t progressing and this is the only thing I can think of to make some real changes. None of the women nowadays have ever been exposed to the drug used in the attack. Which means we are back to normal methods of reproduction like they were in the past,” I argued.

“So does that mean you want information on the births of Omegas for the past sixty to eighty years as well?” Bethany asked, her tone resigned.

I flashed her a bright smile. “That would be amazing, I know you keep that information locked away.”

“You can’t take it out of the research room. There can be no copies or pictures taken,” Bethany warned, giving me a stern look.

I grabbed my briefcase and nodded. “Alright, I will keep that in mind.”

“No, Marius, I don’t think you understand what I’m saying,” Bethany said emphatically. “You are allowed to know this information because of your status as an Official but no one else can. Not even I can know what these files say.”

Now I was utterly confused. “What files, the laws?”

“The birth records,” she snapped. “The files are in sealed envelopes and I have to write on them who is checking them out and when they did. If anyone finds out we gave them to someone who shouldn’t we’d be put in jail. Everything to do with Omegas is highly guarded and isn’t to be taken lightly.”

What she was saying did the opposite of what I’m sure she was intending. It made me want to investigate them all the more. Clearly, something was hidden in these records that the government didn’t want the world to know.

“Thank you for making that clear for me, Bethany. I promise not to get you in any trouble and respect the rules you’ve laid out,” I assured her. “Can I use the same document room that I always use or do I need to be elsewhere?”

“Your room should be fine. I just brewed a new pot of coffee as well so help yourself. I know how you get once you’re on a project,” she answered, dismissing me to get the requested files.

While a lot has been transferred to digital, being the government they always kept paper copies and that is what I requested to look at. Anything can be altered in digital form, but paper wasn’t as easy to tamper with.

Entering the simple room with a desk, chair, and computer I set my briefcase down, then headed for the coffee maker. Bethany had been right about that I was a bit addicted to the stuff, it’s what kept me going with the early mornings and long nights. Even though today I’d had a much more leisurely morning, a lot had happened, and the caffeine would help.

My phone buzzed in my pocket making me frown. Typically the guys didn’t contact me about things during the day unless it was important. Glancing at my phone I saw it was from Rafael.

Rafael:Cambrie seems to be experiencing Omega Drop once we left the house. I talked to Bodhi and they have a plan, just wanted you to be aware.

Me:Thank you for letting me know, I’m closest if they need me to come home during lunch.

Rafael:To have you come only to leave again so soon wouldn’t help. She will be fine, it’s just something young Omegas can experience when they experience an Alpha high.

Fuck!I’d done that to her this morning. Nixon told me she’d been majorly affected by my almost marking her. I should have known it would be too much and stopped sooner. I doubt she’d ever experienced something like that in her life, being so young. Here I am seventeen years her senior and I’m acting like a novice teenager. She’s the eighteen year old and I’m the adult who should be looking out for her so things like this didn’t happen.

“Marius, are you alright?” Bethany asked.

My head snapped up from my phone to see her standing next to me, arms full of files and peering at my phone. Locking the screen I stuffed it back into my pocket.

“Everything’s fine. Rafael was just updating me on a shelter kid who will be staying with us for a bit,” I answered, trying to control my anger at her trying to read my phone. If something happened to Cambrie because of Bethany’s need to know everything I’d ruin her life.

Clearing my throat I grabbed a mug from the shelf and filled it with coffee like nothing out of the ordinary was going on. “Are those the files?”

“Half of them, I need to get the rest of the birth records,” she said, following me back to the room I was using. “Figured you could get started with the laws while I get the rest.”

“Thank you, once you’ve brought me those it might be best to leave me to it. I wouldn’t want you to accidentally see something that could get you in trouble.” She didn’t look happy about the suggestion but she nodded and left. Leaving me to start the task of finding a way for Cambrie to stay with us forever.