Hearing Bodhi talk it resonated in my heart, echoing what I’d just been saying to Rafael moments before. “We can work on it together because I’m not sure I’m a very good friend either. I never know how to keep my thoughts to myself and tend to cause trouble for others.”
Bodhi chuckled, nuzzling his cheek against my hair. “We’re quite the pair, aren’t we?” Releasing me, he took a step back and ran a hand through his hair ruffling it. “So that was a yes to chocolate chips?”
With my heart lightened knowing Bodhi wasn’t mad at me I gave him a bright smile. “Who says no to combining dessert and breakfast together?”
He grinned in return shaking his head. “You make a good point Cambi, a very good point.” Bodhi returned to the stove and poured batter into the frying pan. “The others are in the dining room if you want to join them. I’ve got a few more to make, then I’ll be in with them. I’ve already brought out the cheesy eggs and bacon.”
I gasped at the mention of the cheesy eggs. “You really made them?”
Bodhi nodded, a pink tinge blooming on his cheeks. “Yeah, you seemed so excited about the grilled cheese I couldn’t not make them after I offered.”
Rushing up to him I tossed my arms around his neck and dragged him down to plant a kiss on his cheek before getting embarrassed and rushing out of the kitchen in the direction he pointed. Everyone looked up from there what they were doing when I burst in causing me to freeze.
“Goodness Dove, you look bright as a strawberry, did Bodhi say something inappropriate?” Spencer asked, setting down his phone, looking worried.
I shook my head furiously and took the seat next to Marius hoping they would let the matter drop. “Bodhi said something about cheesy eggs?”
“Yes and we were forbidden from having any until you got what you wanted first,” Nixon answered, folding up his newspaper and grabbing a covered dish.
He walked over to me, pulled off the lid, and scooped a mountain of fluffy eggs covered in cheesy goodness onto my plate. Done with the dish he passed it to Marius who helped himself and sent it down the line.
“Sweetheart, what would you like to drink? We have coffee, orange juice, apple, or grapefruit,” Nixon asked.
My face scrunched up as I tried to decide on what sounded good. Father never bought anything but basic ingredients or frozen meals he could microwave. Nothing could affect his ability to buy beer when he wanted it so all luxuries went to the wayside.
“We always keep these in the house so if you want to try something different every day you can,” Marius pointed out.
“Apple please,” I decided.
“Coming right up,” Nixon said, heading back into the kitchen.
“Oh,” I said anxiously. “I should have gotten it while I was in there, he didn’t need to go get it for me.”
“It’s alright Dove, part of being a pack is looking after one another,” Spencer assured me, then nodded to my eggs. “Better eat your fill before they get cold.”
Pushing up my sleeve I picked up my fork and stabbed it into the fluffy egg. When I popped it into my mouth I couldn’t help but do a little happy dance at how good it tasted humming a little tune as I went in for more. After a few more bites I looked up when Nixon set down a glass of juice for me.
“Sounds like everything is tasting good to you,” he said with a chuckle. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so excited over cheesy eggs before.”
Setting my fork down I picked up the glass and took a sip. The shock of how sweet it was caught me off guard that I gave a little gasp. “Wow!”
Soft laughter made its way around the table and I looked up to see all the guys watching me with such warm expressions.
“I forgot how sweet it was,” I shared, so they understood my reaction.
“That’s why I personally prefer orange or grapefruit,” Rafael said, pointing to his glass of pink liquid. “I don’t mind something sweet every so often but tart tasting things are a favorite of mine.”
“What about you Oscar, are you more of a sweet or sour fan?” I asked since he was sitting next to Rafael.
Oscar held his hand up to his chin and moved it downward with a smile.
“I’m going to say that means sweet,” I guessed.
Oscar nodded and clapped in approval. Then he took his pointer finger and put it where someone would have a dimple and twisted it making his face pucker a bit.
“Sour?” I asked.
He nodded and gave me a thumbs up, filling me with a sense of excitement that he was taking the time to teach me. I wanted so badly to be able to talk to him the way he was most comfortable speaking. He was being kind, writing all that out for me last night but this was his home and I didn’t want him to feel awkward because of me.