“You truly have a gift for reading people like a book, don’t you? It’s astounding you can see others so clearly down to the depths of their soul after all the world has given you is sadness,” he murmured as he gently tugged me to his side where he wrapped his arms around me. “No one who has a heart as big as yours could be anything but perfect. I am so glad we found you Cambrie. Things will be hard as you learn to trust us and we learn who you are under all these lies people have slipped into your beautiful mind.”
Rafael tucked his hand under my chin and lifted it so I looked up at him. “The first step for being a better friend is for you to learn that conflict is not always bad. There will be times when you will need to stick up for yourself and we want you to without question. Your voice is welcome here and we want to know what you have to say. On the other hand so is everyone else’s, in this house, in our pack things are decided together. You know what we all decided unanimously before I came up here?”
I shook my head, my throat was too full of emotions to speak.
“That an Omega by the name of Cambrie Price will have a home here for as long as she wants and that all of us want to be your friend, family, and pack,” Rafael announced.
My eyes watered and spilled over, dripping onto his hand. “All of you want me to stay? What about the government? Won’t they make me leave?”
“Those are worries for another day. For today we just want to know your vote? Do you think that Cambrie Price will accept our offer?” Rafael asked as he wiped away my tears with both his thumbs as he cupped my face.
“If they really want me to stay, and Bodhi isn’t mad at me.” I licked my lips and cleared my throat. “I would really love to stay here with all of you for however long that may be.”
Rafael pulled me close and pressed his lips to my forehead. “The answer to that is forever, Little One, you belong here with us.”