
Hearingthesnick of the bathroom lock eased my fears as I left Cambrie’s room. Not that I had any fear that someone here would do anything or cause her harm, it was more that I think she needed time to herself. Since Nixon had picked her up she’s been surrounded by new people, strange places, and having to manage her anxiety at every turn. I could have kicked myself for what I’d done earlier.

How had I thought it was a smart idea to wave a hand near her face? You’d think seeing a body covered in bruises would have given me a clue how she’d react. Standing outside her room I gritted my teeth trying to keep from allowing my own personal demons of negative self-talk to seep in. On the outside, no one would have a clue about the darkness that I’ve fought my way out of to be where I am today.


I couldn’t allow my mind to go back to those days. They were over and I had two Alphas that loved me knowing all the baggage I carried. They saved me and I knew they could do the same for Cambrie, our little pure dove, who didn’t realize the hope she represented for our pack. Taking a deep breath I shook out my hands and shook off the memories that seeing her abuse had brought back. Bodhi was absorbed in his video game, ignoring my meltdown, which gave me the chance to believe he didn’t notice. All of us had wounds from our past, and over the years we’ve come to respect the moments we struggle with them.

Heading down the stairs I almost crashed into Marius as he came up. “Sorry babe, I didn’t see you, lost in thought,” I apologized.

“It’s all right,” he answered, wrapping a hand around the back of my neck, pulling my head down to touch his forehead. “If you’re up for it, will you stay with me tonight?”

“Of course, I don’t really feel like being alone tonight either. I’ll warn you though, Nixon might be joining us too,” I answered.

Marius smiled and shrugged. “You know that doesn’t bother me. He’s the one who gets uncomfortable when I get added to the mix since we aren’t interested in each other romantically. We used to have sleepovers as kids all the time, so what if it happens now we’re adults?”

“I think it’s the naked part, maybe also the fact his best friend is fucking his Beta as well. You know he struggles with the views his family hammered into him,” I pointed out.

“But we always have so much fun on your birthdays when the three of us play together.” Marius purred into my ear. “He knows I love him but not in that way. We share you, and you share us. Why can’t we share together occasionally? I’m careful to only touch you.”

My knees started to go weak as my cock went from soft to hard in two seconds. I had to grab the railing to keep from stumbling. “You know what that does to me,” I muttered.

“Good,” he answered, pressing a kiss to my lips. “I’m going to drop these books off for Cambrie, then I’ll be more than happy to fix the problem I’ve caused.”

He jogged up the stairs leaving me to steady myself before hurrying my way to Nixon’s room. I knocked and seconds later I was yanked inside and plastered against the wall with my other Alpha’s tongue down my throat. Need oozed off Nixon as he growled and ripped off my shirt.

I pushed him back, looking at my clothes and scowled. “That was a new shirt, now I have to find all the buttons and sew them back on.”

“It’s fine I’ll buy you a new one, but my Prince I need you right now,“ Nixon said, all but begging me as he ran his hands down my chest.

Grabbing his hands I stilled them before they got to my pants. “Marius needs me too. I said I would sleep with him tonight as long as he knew you’d be there too.”

Nixon paused for a moment as if he wanted to argue but he nodded and rested his head on my shoulder. “Cambrie’s done something to me, made me more possessive than usual and all I want is to steal you away for myself right now. Marius and I share you, that is how it’s always been and will stay. We made a promise to never make you feel like you had to choose because neither of us wanted that. Now I fear I’m going to have to share someone else with him… with all of them.”

I wrapped Nixon in my arms, hugging him tightly. “Our Little Dove is an Omega, which is entirely different from how things are between the three of us. Cambrie is already handling the whole situation perfectly and she isn’t even aware of it. Give her time. Once she understands what she feels being with us and how we feel about her, it’s going to be magical. Omegas are meant to pull a pack closer through their love and affection toward every pack member not just one. You saw Bodhi, when have you ever seen him smile that much?”

“My brain knows you’re right, but my heart is so worried she might not pick me,” Nixon admitted. “I know how hard you fought for things between the three of us, and it was my fault for being a stubborn ass and not trusting you could love us both the same.”

“Enough now,” I chided. “Cambrie’s wounds, her story, seeing her like that, has brought up a lot of old memories for us all. We’ve risen above who we used to be and have become better versions of ourselves.” I nudged him to stand upright and grasped his face. “You know without a shadow of a doubt that I adore you, without you in my life part of my heart would be missing forever. Yes Marius holds the other part and I have a feeling soon Cambrie will take another for herself. But that doesn’t make what you hold any less than the others.”

The moment I finished speaking his lips were on mine feasting, showing me through actions that he understood what I’d said. Our relationship might have started with a few bumps in the road but now we were a family who fought for each other. A knock on the door interrupted us and Nixon pulled away.

“It could be Cambrie,” he murmured as he strode across the room to open the door.

It wasn’t Cambrie and I didn’t think she’d be brave enough yet to bother one of us. Instead it was Marius with a sheepish smile on his face. “I figured you’d distracted him when I didn’t find him in my bed. Would you rather us stay here in your room? Or share mine? I’m fine with either, I’ll just need to grab a few things.”

“No, we can use your room, besides you have the bigger bed to fit all three of us. With mine, someone is bound to fall off the edge with how bad Spence hogs the bed,” Nixon answered, giving me a wink.

“So hateful,” I huffed. “You ruin my shirt, you call me a bed hog, what’s gonna happen next? I snore?” Both of my partners looked at me tight lipped as if I did actually snore. “Do I?”

“Do you what?” Marius asked.


He ran his hand through his hair dropping his gaze. “Well, I wouldn’t call it snoring, more like you sigh in your sleep.” My jaw dropped, Marius lifted his hands as if to stop me from speaking. “Hold on, don’t do that. I think it’s adorable so I didn’t feel the need to tell you about it, alright? It only happens when you are first falling asleep and I didn’t want you to be all self conscious about it.”

“He’s right, it is really cute, Prince,” Nixon agreed, giving me a smirk. “It’s like you’re so content with us you just can’t help but sigh.”