Bodhi just grinned. “Yeah, you’re like Bambi, all sweet, innocent, and a little awkward. I think it fits, don’t you?”
“Who’s Bambi?“ I asked, still not understanding what he was talking about.
“Seriously?” Bodhi blurted, looking shocked. “Even with my shit childhood I watched a few Disney movies. In fact, it was the default for some foster parents to just turn on a movie so we would stop bothering them on the weekends.”
“Mom didn’t like me watching TV. She always told me to go outside and play. She used to say it would foster a better imagination. Personally, I think reading did that more but I couldn’t read at that point,” I shared. “Of course, I know about the movies and I’ve read the original stories but I don’t think I know Bambi. Is it good?”
Bodhi set the tray on the coffee table and grabbed two pillows from the couch. He placed them on the floor and pointed to one, making me assume he wanted me to sit there. He plopped down on the other, grabbed a bowl of soup, and slid the rest over to me.
“Hmm, that’s a tough question to answer. It’s got a lot of real life moments that it deals with, not all of them happy,” he mused. “What do you think, Nixon? Would you say Bambi is good?”
“Oh god, I haven’t seen that movie in forever, all I remember is the beginning of him as a kid and maybe the ending…” Nixon answered, taking a seat on the couch behind me. “I’m sure we can find it somewhere and watch it. Allow you to make up your own mind.”
“You would watch a kid’s movie?” I inquired, surprised.
Nixon grinned at me. “Some of the best movies are meant for kids. They make you laugh and take you out of the real world for a few hours. What’s not to like about that?”
I nodded understanding that completely, it was how I felt about books. Turning my attention to the food I stirred the soup, the bowl was still warm but not too hot. I tested the spoonful and found it perfect for gobbling down. Now that food was available, and it all tasted so good, I realized just how hungry I’d been. Trapped, unsure of when the next meal would come, I had to keep from dwelling on it and just trained my mind to find it unimportant.
With the soup gone, I could now relish the grilled cheesy goodness. I took one half and slid the plate over to Bodhi. “Here I hope you don’t mind. I picked first this time.”
“If you’re hungry eat the whole thing. Finishing off the soup has me rather stuffed,” Bodhi said, patting his stomach. “I promise it’s fine if you eat the rest.”
Glancing over my shoulder at Nixon I pointed to the food. “Do you want the other half? I’m not sure if you ate dinner or not yet with me crashing in on your day.”
“God, you really don’t have a selfish bone in your body, do you?” Nixon murmured, giving me a sad smile. “I’m fine Sweetheart, once I finish getting you settled I’ll reheat some leftovers. You enjoy the sandwich since I took half of the other one away from you.”
“If you’re sure, I’m happy to share,” I assured him.
Nixon leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. “How about a bite then? You claimed this was rather amazing grilled cheese. I suppose a sample might be in order.”
I grabbed the half from my plate and held it up to him. Instead of taking it from me like I thought he would, Nixon held my gaze as he grasped my wrist gently to take a bite of the sandwich. His lips closed around the bread and the crunch told me he’d taken a bite. When he pulled back cheese followed but he let go of me and grabbed the strings licking them off his thumb.
Watching this made my mouth go dry and flutters started in my stomach. There was something about what he did that had my heart beating faster and wishing he would do it again. Everything he did, like Marius, seemed so elegant it made me feel clumsy. A rumble started in Nixon’s chest calling to me, my body listing toward him.
“Nix,” Rafael’s voice called out. “Could you please come help me for a moment?”
Nixon’s soothing rumble suddenly changed into a growl as he glared at the man standing at the top of the stairs.
“Please, Nixon,” Rafael stated, his voice laced with something reminiscent of a command. “Spencer and Bodhi can look after Cambrie for right now. I need you to come with me.”
With a grunt, Nixon finally stood but he paused and looked down at me, carefully reaching out to brush a caring hand over the top of my head. “You need me just call, I’ll be right downstairs.”
Unsure of what to say I nodded watching him stride over to Rafael and exchange a few sharp words before descending. Glancing over at Bodhi who just shrugged. “Alphas do some weird things sometimes.”