“We all have them, but such pretty lips shouldn’t be so abused,” he added with a wink as he dropped his hand which landed on top of mine. He didn’t move it like I assumed he would. Instead, he curled his finger around my palm to hold it as Nixon pulled away.
“Our house isn’t too far away but it’s in a special district for members of the CoF and other important officials. There is a gate around the whole property to ensure no one comes in or out that shouldn’t be there. Since you are with us there will be no problems, as I said before it’s not the first time we’ve taken home someone from the shelter,” Spencer explained as we pulled out on the road. “When we come to the guard shack, I think it would be best if you placed my coat over your lap to hide some of your scent.” Seeing my eyes widen in panic he quickly waved it off. “Cambrie, we are not doing anything wrong by bringing you to our home. What I hope to prevent is others gossiping about how we have an Omega staying with us. It is none of their business and I don’t want it to lead back to your father or the man he was going to sell you to.”
What he said made total sense allowing me to relax and gaze at the city I’d never visited before. The tall buildings started to shrink, changing to brownstone homes, schools, and parks where families were more prevalent. Then I saw the gated section we were coming up to with bright lights and a towering ornate fence that no one would be able to make it over without being noticed.
A jacket was placed on my lap and instantly I was hit with Spencer’s tropical coconut and the bite of lime scent. I hugged it to my chest, needing the extra assurance as we pulled to a stop at the guard shack. “Good evening Mr. Hayes, Mr. Wells. Official Stone managed to beat you home tonight, must have something special going on to pull him away from work so early.”
“We have a guest joining us for dinner tonight, one of Mr. Leshem’s patients from the shelter,” Nixon shared, showing no signs of being on alert or worried about what he was saying.
The guard peered into the car as Rafael draped a protective arm over my shoulders. While I didn’t want to appear as afraid of this man as I was, I couldn’t fight the urge to turn into the comfort Rafael offered.
“Poor thing looks in pretty rough shape. I hope you’re able to help her as you’ve done so many others. You all have a good night now,” the guard said, saluting before he stepped back and hit the button to open the gate.
Rafael leaned down to nuzzle his cheek on the top of my head. “You did good, Little One. In time you will learn that the world has some decent people in it. They are just harder to find.”
The homes in this gated community were all massive, sprawling things made of brick, stone, and some were even all wood. The styles seemed to change depending on the street we drove down as if they were added at different times. Nixon turned down the drive of a beautiful home with lots of stonework and white walls. The lush green yard that stretched out before it made it seem like it was out of an advertisement in a magazine. Ivy climbed up the stone adding character to it and showing its age. People didn’t build homes like this anymore, mostly they were simple two or three bedroom houses crammed together so people could afford them. That or an apartment building giving you a box to live in with no chance of a yard.
There was a garage with three wide doors but Nixon curved around the drive circle to stop in front of the main entrance. Spencer got out and offered his hand to me as Rafael released me from his hold. Letting him pull me from the car I stood in awe at what I saw before me. Even the air here seemed to smell different, cleaner, fresher, almost as if we’d been transported to another world.
“This is where you live?” I asked.
“Yes, we’ve been here for almost a year. The CoF insisted we be part of the community for as long as Marius is in office. Although we still keep our penthouse in the city that we use from time to time,” Spencer said, leading me up the stone steps to the front door.
I’d expected him to pull out a set of keys to unlock the door, instead, he typed in a code and used his thumbprint to let us in.
Seeing my expression he let out a sigh. “The price we pay for Marius being someone important, they go overboard on all the security measures. The Official that Marius replaced was killed by the EQ so they stepped up security on all fronts where they could. Just to be clear it didn’t happen on the compound, he was at a public speaking event and was shot.”
He spoke about it so calmly like he wasn’t worried that his lover was now in the same position. “Aren’t you worried the same thing will happen to him?”
Spencer shoved open the heavy wooden door and ushered me through, leaving it open for the others to follow.
“I’m terrified that something like that will happen to him, but it was one of the risks we knew would be part of our lives if he ran for the position. It’s been his dream since he was ten years old. How could I stand in the way of that?” Spencer admitted, his expression showing just how much it bothered him.
“He’s downplaying it for you,” a smooth, silky voice cut in. It surprised me so much that before I knew what I was doing I’d darted behind Spencer, hiding my face in his back.
“Mari,” Spencer scolded. “Cambrie isn’t someone you can sneak up on like that.” Reaching around Spencer gently tugged my arm pulling me to his side and kept me close. “Cambrie, I would like you to meet my other partner Marius.”
Marius was a stunning man, his skin was perfect, showing no signs of aging. He had bright green eyes that observed me with vivid intelligence, but not in a cruel way. His deep brown hair was styled up and away from his face but almost in a relaxed way like he combed his fingers through it often. He had a neat beard that was trimmed close to his face, adding to the whole polished feel I was getting from him. Even his hands seemed elegant as one hung at his side while the other was tucked into the pocket of his slacks.
“Hello Cambrie, welcome to my home,” he said, with a warm smile until it morphed into a scowl. “What happened to you? Who did this? I demand you tell me now!”
My hands gripped Spencer’s shirt tightly, fighting the urge to bite my lip as the anger in his words made me want to run. Marius’s scent was a heady bergamot and clove that seemed to wrap itself around me holding me in place. It added to his already clear dominance as an Alpha pushing me to submit, a useful tool for someone in a position of power. Everything about it made me nervous that he might hurt me if I did something wrong or upset him which I clearly had.
“Little One, what’s the matter?” Rafael asked, crouching in front of me.
It was only then I realized I was shaking, my fear having decided to show itself visibly. Releasing Spencer I let myself drop into Rafael’s open arms, and I curled up in his warmth. “Is he safe?” I whispered.
“Marius?” he asked as if shocked by my question.
I nodded my head not wanting him to hear me questioning him in his own house. Rafael didn’t respond, instead he picked me up and carried me out of the room. “Spencer, call the others down to the family room now,” he ordered with an edge of bark to his tone.
“Rafael, I don’t know what’s going on but you will not speak to him that way,” Marius said, a growl rumbling in his throat.
At the sound a whine slipped out as I burrowed closer to Rafael. His arms tightened and his purring started instantly soothing something on a soul level. Instinctively I knew I could trust him, that he would protect me.
“She’s an Omega!” Marius bit out in a harsh whisper.
“Spence didn’t tell you?” Nixon asked. “That little shit, he was supposed to warn you about that. I told him to tell you and the others so when we showed up something like this didn’t happen.”