Page 40 of Plunge

Journee leans to the side to look at me.

“You have your answer. I can see you do. If that is the case, why are you holding on to this stubborn stance of a choice you no longer support?”

“I ... I don’t know.” I stab my spoon into my ice cream. “How did you do that? Are all thirty-year-olds this smart and wise? If so, I want to be thirty.”

“Nope. I’m a special type of thirty. They don’t make them like me anymore.” I toss a pillow at her as she sits down with her popcorn. “BTW, you need to talk to him. When you do, you need to apologize. Isn't that what you will want from him if the shoe was on the other foot?”

Sometimes I really don't like having friends who are much smarter and kinder than I am.

She's right.

Yes, I know she’s right. Doesn't mean I have to like it. We settle in for the night and I mentally make a list of ways I can try to talk to Daire tomorrow at the Hope House anniversary event. At the back of my mind, I know there’s another piece of our story I didn’t share. It’s a critical piece.

That night, I sleep without nightmares or thoughts of a bunch of puzzle pieces chasing me.

Chapter 15



Savannah, GA May 5– Friday

The morning of the Anniversary Event

Tap tap tap. Tap tap tap.

Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock.

The rhythmic knock isn’t the one I expect. That knock belongs to one person and one person only. It can’t be him because he told me his ass was out of the country for the next week. Him and his main squeeze are supposed to be off enjoying an island or some shit. Not that I could imagine his big ass on a beach.

Snatching the door open, I see I was right about the owner of the knock. The big bear of a man has half a foot on my six-foot four height. He’s so tall, Graham’s five ten height is well hidden. It isn’t until I pull the larger man into a huge hug that I see my other friend.

“Look who I found wandering around Savannah trying to find something to do with himself,” Graham says as I hug my other friend.

It’s been a while since we’ve all been in the same room. I’d forgotten just how tall this asshole was.

“It’s about time you brought around someone I actually wanted to see.”

Graham’s face falls as Trent, Ryder’s half-brother, enters. Both men file in as soon as I step back. When I turn to grab my drink, I see it’s been commandeered by yet another friend. He pulls the glass back from his lips then glares at it as if it offended him. He was obviously expecting something other than the sweet tea I was drinking.

“Are you trying to kill me? What the hell is in that drink? Pure sugar cane? My god, I think I lost a tooth and formed a cavity with one swig of that shit.”

“Nobody told your pretty-boy self to put your lips on my glass. Hell, I should be the one worried about illnesses. Who the hell knows where your lips have been, Rye.”