Page 27 of Plunge

“We’ve gotta talk about it because he got the ball rolling. He’s not going to be happy if it falls through because he didn’t want to talk about it.”

“Your funeral. I told you we could set something else up.”

That gets my attention. I look back at the two of them.

“Just tell me. What did I say I’d do that I’ve forgotten about?”

“The first one’s yours,” Graham tells GiGi.

“Jerk,” she says with a roll of her eyes. “The dinner with Logan Alexander.”

“No. Hard fucking pass. I love Hope and you know I do but I’m not having dinner with her dickhead of a brother. A dinner that is really an interview. That fucker can kiss my ass. No way in hell did I agree to meet with him. Considering how he handled things the last time, I’m surprised he has the balls to ask. Let him report on the taste of fucking soggy kitty litter.”

The two of them look at one another then mouth, “Damn”. I see Kennedy’s reflection in the glass door of the theatre room. She’s in the kitchen listening to every word.

“What’s the second thing that won’t take long?”

Folding my arms, I wait for Graham to let me in on the other thing.

“It’s the JDJ auction. Are we giving the money to the same organization or a different one this year? Also, did you want to have that organization’s logo on Heart Breaker?”

Heart Breaker is the name I gave my car. They all think it’s because I was nicknamed that after my “reputation” with women went public. They should know me better than that. I’d never name the thing I drive after something so trivial. It’s named after the woman who was so aptly given that name after she decided the future didn’t include the two of us.

“Yes, and I don’t care. I’m going to shower. I’ll be back down in a few.”

Now I need to figure out what I am going to do to keep my mind from dwelling on the one woman I don’t need to think about since I’m trying to stay on the right side of sober.

Why can’t life be as simple as a racetrack? A start and a finish. Everyone trudging forward, heading for their target goal. It would make things a hell of a lot easier. Maybe just maybe I’d be happier.

Chapter 10


Savannah, GA April 17– Monday

I'm at the Hope House on my usual day. Ready for my usual workload but it feels wrong to be here. At the same time, it feels right. It’s like there's something drawing me here. At this time and in this space. This is where I need to remain. It’s my break time so I venture out to the solarium. In between individual therapy sessions, group sessions, and seeing clients for their physical therapy appointments, I take a much-needed break.

It feels weird being here now that I know there's somewhere else that is my own. Discovering there is a piece of Savannah that's mine is it pretty heady feeling. That's the upside. The downside is me trying to let yet another puzzle piece enter my brain. The puzzle is still in disarray, but I have some corner sections all put together. Those corner pieces are all one color. Now there is not only a new piece, but it has its own distinctive coloring that doesn't match anything I have already on the board.

Releasing a heavy sigh, I take in my surroundings.

It's peaceful, quiet and allows me a moment to be alone. This area isn’t used often. Every once in a while, classes are taught here, and every inch of the space is used. When it's not in use, most of the employees come out and sit. They'll read or listen to music. Most know it isn’t a place for menial conversation or a social hour. If a person comes out to the solarium, then they are looking for a moment’s peace away from it all.

When I come out here, I have my wireless earbuds and my ears and I'm either reading or playing the game on my phone. Since I left my earbuds in my locker, I don't have those to add this extra barrier to keep people from talking to me. Pulling up one of the three games that I keep on my phone, I begin to play the next level ofHarry Potter Puzzles and Spells. If it isn't this game, then it's one- or two-word games that I play. I used to play those simulation games likeChaptersandFarmVillebut got bored with them.