“But I did get ahold of my buddy who runs a private security firm. They’re full up on clients but he’ll do me a solid and look into what happened to Tamsyn. If you’re interested. But if you’ve got it covered—”

“Jesus Christ, no. I mean, by all means, please put me in touch with this man.”

He wasn’t in the habit of accepting help. Everyone knew that was a death sentence. Lowell did his best to always be in the black with the games he played. Didn’t like to owe anyone a favor, loved to be owed. But for his princess? Anything.

Something in his chest throbbed, and it might have been gratitude. Hard to say, it was such an unfamiliar sensation. But he could at least pretend to be a human even if he knew better.

“Thank you, Ian. That’s…that’s very kind of you.”

“You’re one of ours now,” Ian told him. “Get used to it.”

Maybe Hux was onto something after all.

“He’s expecting my call?”

“Pfft, what kind of cut rate production do you think this is? This is a full service establishment, my friend. Hold please,” Ian said, sounding awfully smug.

There was a few indecipherable sounds on the other side of the call, and then Ian’s voice was back.

“Lo, you there?”


“Taj, you there?”

“You know it.”

“Cool. Then I’d like to make some introductions. But as per usual, fight club rules apply.”

Lowell and Taj both grunted their agreement. And then Ian was off and running.

“Taj Hovick, I’d like you to meet Lowell Foster-Webb, brother and—”

“Oh, I know who he is.”

Interesting. Unless they were dealing with DC insiders, most people’s response would be “Do you mean Huxley Foster-Webb?” If they had a response at all anyway.

“And Lo, I want you to meet Taj Hovick, owner of Carcharodon Security.”

Lowell had heard of Carcharodon. They provided personal protection details for some politicians, some bigwigs, and some Hollywood people he couldn’t care less about. They were the big time. And this was the buddy Ian had been referring to? Damn.

Having made his introductions, Ian signed off. Before Lowell could even open his mouth, Taj’s deep voice was rumbling over the line.

“I hear someone tried to kill your babygirl. Tell me everything you know and we’ll do our best to hunt this motherfucker down.”