True to his word though, he didn’t hush her which was welcome. She knew people meant it as comfort but so often it just felt like they were trying to get you to be quiet because crying made them uncomfortable. Well, it made her uncomfortable too. Or usually did. After she’d sobbed for a while while her daddy held her, she didn’t feel so bad anymore. A little sniffly and worn out but not wound so tight.

Eventually she sat back on Hux’s knees and wiped her eyes.

“Feeling better, kitten?”


Oh no! She must’ve dropped her paci while she was bawling. Just as she started to look for it, her daddy held it up.

“Looking for this? You can have it back, but I’ll rinse it off first. Do you want it now or can you wait a few minutes?”

“Can wait.”

He smiled at her incomplete sentence. “You must be feeling pretty little. Does it feel good?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“But it seems like using your diaper was pretty tough.”


“It’s a big deal, giving up that kind of control. I don’t think I could do it. You’re such a brave girl to try all these new things. I’m really proud of you.”

It felt so good when he said he was proud of her, like her heart was taking a bubble bath. With tub toys.

“I have a reward for you if you’re ready for it.”


Her crying fit had wiped away a lot of angst but she’d like to write over what was now blank space with something good.

Daddy picked her up again and brought her to the changing table again, laid her back down and got her situated.

This time she didn’t close her eyes but watched him as he flipped her skirt up and undid the tabs on her diaper. He looked up and smiled at her gently while he was wiping her off with a soft, wet cloth, and she sighed.

“Have to get my little girl all cleaned up before I give you your reward.”

Once he’d wiped her down, he urged her hips up and there was a squirmy but not bad embarrassment in her tummy. She expected him to put a clean diaper down, but he didn’t. Just settled her butt onto the terrycloth of the changing pad.

“There. Now your pretty pussy is all clean and ready for Daddy to play with. But before I do, I think your titties need some attention.”

Still standing to her side instead of between her thighs, Hux pulled the neckline of her dress down and settled the fabric under her tits.

“What a nice frame for such a pretty picture. You have the sweetest little titties, babygirl.”

There it was again, that squirmy feeling that seemed to reach a part of her brain that she’d kept hidden for so long. She wanted to be a pretty baby for her daddy. Wanted her titties played with, and—


Daddy had pinched her nipples hard and started to grind them between his fingertips. The twisting and squeezing sent a pulse of arousal straight from her nipples to her clit which seemed to throb.

“There’s Daddy’s good girl. You like it when Daddy’s rough with your pretty little nipples, don’t you? Daddy loves to make your nipples sore.”

Apparently she loved it too because even though it hurt, it was a sexy kind of pain, and became more so when he started to tug on her.

“That’s it, pretty girl. Show Daddy how much you like it when he gets real rough with your sweet baby titties.”

Not like that was hard. Tamsyn just let her hips buck, frustrated by the lack of friction on her clit. With his just-shy-of-brutal ministrations, Hux already had her on the edge. She usually thought of Lo as the rougher one, but apparently Daddy had a sadistic streak as well.