“And what do you do?”

Not that she’d told Elder what her job was, but surely he could guess her industry. Clover City was after all the insurance capital of the world. And if he was a local boy he’d know that.

She didn’t think she’d asked a difficult question—she’d meant it to be a softball—but his brows creased as if she’d asked him to solve some complex equation without the aid of a calculator. The corners of his mouth tugged down as well, and she didn’t like this look half as well as she’d enjoyed his boldness in striding right over here without a second’s hesitation.

Elder rubbed at the center of his chest and Tamsyn wondered if she’d really stepped in it. Was it that taboo to ask what someone did for work here? Maybe he did something so particular that if she looked it up, she’d know who he was.

She wasn’t trying to dox him or steal his identity, just make conversation. She didn’t mind making men uncomfortable but only when they deserved it.

“I am actually retired,” he said slowly, like it was the first time he’d uttered the words.

Perhaps this was a recent development? And also, what the hell? He was older than she was certainly, but not likethatmuch older. Unless he was a vampire? That would explain things. The preternatural attraction she felt toward him, the deep-seated wish she had for him to bite her.

More likely was that he was some tech guy who’d made a fortune from a startup, or perhaps he just came from money and had gotten tired of having a job like the rest of them. She supposed he could be of the drop out and live in a van type but the really nice watch he’d flashed when he put a large hand to his sternum said it was more likely the former than the latter.

Elder blinked and the gesture seemed to clear whatever fog he’d been wandering in. Yes, the cocksure man from before was back.

“What are you doing here? Not in Clover City, you’ve answered that, but at Hive in particular. I could make some assumptions based on you being in the nursery, but I try not to do that. Too often anyhow.”

Heat gathered in her cheeks. And why? They were both at a kink club, were both invested enough that they were members and not simply curiosity seekers. But still, it wasn’t an easy thing to talk about.

She’d only recently started talking to Maddie about the details of her kink life and Maddie was her best friend. But maybe talking to a stranger would be easier? Only one way to test that theory.

“I’m not a little,” she blurted, and then felt bad. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that. My best friend is a little! And that’s fine, if that’s what you’re into. I’m just not.”

Super smooth, Yates. Super smooth.

“Okay. So you’re here to…”

That was a fair question.

“It seemed like all the age play stuff kind of goes down in here, from the adult babies to littles to middles. Also I’m scouting for my friend. Well, notforher. More like so I can tell her about this place and she’ll beg her fiancé to come visit as soon as possible. Which would really be for both of us. I’m like the big sister and she’s the little sister because I’m a middle. Not a little.”

Well this was great. She was going to be accused of protesting too much. Which she wasn’t! She really was a middle. Had the track record to prove it and everything. Before Elder could dig any deeper, she turned his question back on him.

“So why are you here?”

Elder took a deep breath and then blew it out his mouth. He was so hot she could swear he was melting some of her brain cells.

“I’ve felt like I was a daddy for a long time. But I’ve never had the chance to actually be one before.” He shrugged, the rise of his dress shirt emphasizing the width of his shoulders. “Now I do. And I figured this was the best place to find a little girl.”

“Like, how little?”

If only she could sound less desperate, that’d be great. Men never made her feel this way, and she shouldn’t get her hopes up. Especially when he grimaced.

“I’m not sure exactly since I don’t have a lot of experience. But when I’ve thought about it—which I’ve done a lot—I’ve always pictured her as pretty young. I want to be entirely responsible for her. Not 24/7, but mostly when she’s with me. I want to pick out her clothes, bathe her, brush her hair, read her stories and tuck her into bed at night. Give her bottles, put her down for naps. Have her color while I get dinner ready. And…”

For the first time since they’d started talking, his gaze flicked meaningfully away from her. When she tracked it, Tamsyn could tell he was looking at the changing table which was currently empty.

“And put her in diapers,” Elder finished.

It shouldn’t have bothered her so much, this stranger wanting someone who wasn’t her. He’d make some little very happy. Just, not her. She didn’t want those things, wasn’t the least interested. Even Maddie wasn’t that little. That she knew of anyway.

“Well, good luck with that,” she chirped, trying to hide the loss she felt for something that had never been within her grasp.

Then she had to turn away and stalk off so she didn’t have to look at this man anymore.