“Says the woman who fell in love with a cowboy-turned-mechanic over the course of a week at a kink resort,” Tamsyn grumbled, wishing Maddie were here so she could throw popcorn at her friend. “But that’s part of what worries me. It sounds too good to be true. I assess risk for a living and what they’re offering seems to be a really good bet for getting my heart broken. Twice.”

“But also maybe getting your butt broken and that could be kinda fun?” Maddie offered, and Tamsyn cracked up.

“Oh my god, you’re ridiculous. Getting my butt broken? Really?”

“I think if I had two Reids my butt would be pretty broken.”

“Your butt’s gonna be pretty broken if you don’t get off that phone, Maddie-girl. You can talk to Tamsyn again tomorrow, but right now it’s time to get ready for bed.”

Maddie sighed in response to her daddy’s warning, and Tamsyn giggled. She really liked Reid, and more importantly, she really liked how Reid made Maddie feel.

“Well, I can’t talk tomorrow because that’s when I’m going over to Foster-Webb HQ. But I’ll text you for sure the next day, and hopefully we can find a time to talk on the phone too.”

So I can tell you exactly how many times and in how many ways I got fucked, but also how badly my heart is fucked too, Tamsyn thought to herself.

“Yes, please!”

“Goodnight, love you.”

“Love you too, bestie.”