She’d had one of their cocks and several fingers in her before, and her daddy repeated the process, taking his time and being so careful that she huffed in frustration. Which got her a stern look.

“You know better than to tell your daddies what to do. We decide when you’re ready.”

And apparently he’d decided she was ready now, because he withdrew his fingers and pressed the head of his cock to the entrance of her pussy.

With copious amounts of lube and patience, her daddy edged his erection inside her, and she groaned when he was in her to the root. She loved how it had felt every time they’d filled her, but there was something special about this. Something that lit up parts of her she hadn’t known existed. And that was before they even started to move. Once they did, it didn’t take long for her double-stuffed pussy and the rest of her overwhelmed body to shudder into a climax that had her moaning and shook her very core.

It was short and sharp and sweet, and once it had passed, she felt raw and like everything was suddenly too much. Aches she’d forgotten about came back with a vengeance and it felt like even her skin hurt. Even though her heart and her mind wanted more, it was possible her body had tapped out.

“I don’t think this feels good to you anymore, does it, babygirl?” Hux asked.

She looked between them and Lolo narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you dare lie to your daddies, princess.”

“No,” she admitted meekly. “I loved it, I really did, but it’s…it’s just so much and now it feels like…”

Hux bent down and kissed her, drew his nose alongside hers before pressing their foreheads together. “It’s okay if it’s too much. We have a million other things to do to you, and if you think we’re never going to do this again, you’re out of your mind. But we’ll do it when you’re 100 percent. You won’t be able to keep us off you. Or out of you. That I can guarantee.”

Lolo nipped at that fleshy place where neck met shoulder and then pressed a kiss to the same skin.

“We know you too well to think you’re fragile. But you are precious and we’re going to treat you that way whether you want us to or not.”

It warmed her heart to know that even if she was their little girl, her daddies still saw her as tough and sturdy, someone who could go toe-to-toe with them, head-to-head. Someone who was worthy of and strong enough to bear both of their attentions.

“Gonna pull out now, princess.”

Tamsyn took a deep breath and exhaled as Lolo withdrew. She didn’t like his absence but she really had been on the crackling edge of overstimulation. This way she would have fond, desperate memories. Want to experience this again. And probably again and again after that. Her daddies were smart enough to realize it was preferable to be left wanting more than to have regrets because you had far too much. So clever, those two.

Daddy pulled out too and she felt bereft but then they were both pressing into her sides, stroking her skin and her hair, mouthing her neck, taking turns kissing her until she felt sated and warm and not as though she’d given up or disappointed them.

She couldn’t fail to notice however that both of their cocks were hard against her thighs. Flushed a deep red and looking achy and almost painful to touch, she didn’t want to leave them wanting. Not when they always took such good care of her, not when they’d made all her dreams come true.

“Will—will you—” Her brows knit together as she looked between them. “I want you to come. Both of you. I want to feel it. And I want to be part of it.”

“I think that could be arranged,” Lolo murmured into her ear and then bit her again. That man and his teeth—she wouldn’t give up his sharpness for the world.

A minute later, her daddies were kneeling up on either side of her, their thick erections jutting proudly from their hard bodies. Hux poured lube into her hand before wrapping it around his cock and laying his hand overtop. He started to move their hands up and down in a slick glide before tossing the bottle to Lo who did the same thing.

Despite being the one on her back with two powerful men above her, and the one who’d tapped out earlier, she felt strong doing this. Awareness of how much she turned them on, how much they wanted her, loved her, swirled inside her as they all worked their hands in rough strokes over deliciously hard dicks. Such a heady sensation she was almost dizzy with it.

Hux pushed a thumb into her mouth and she sucked greedily, and Lo squeezed her breast and plucked at her nipple, pinched and squeezed it. She wasn’t going to come again but their attentions made a low fire of arousal burn deep inside. More a promise of things to come than an expectation of now.

Their gasps and heavy breathing mingled until their trio of panting and groans of being so close came to a head and a few moments later, her daddies spilled on her stomach, their hot ropes of come spurting in thick white strands that criss-crossed each other. A brand, a claiming. She was theirs. And they were hers, and nothing and no one would ever take that away again.

Her twin daddies released their grips on their cocks and spread the evidence of their passion all over her belly before collapsing alongside her. It felt almost too good to be true that both of them were hers, but here they were and forever they would be. Together.