He suspected he’d also learned who was responsible for Tamsyn being attacked and nearly killed, but if he didn’t feel that it was an urgent thing to address, Huxley supposed he could wait too. Lo was better at those things than he was.

Huxley sank back into the couch and soaked in sights and sounds, and Christ, thesmellof Tamsyn’s rising arousal. He didn’t think Lo would fuck her now, but he’d wait if his brother needed that.

As was so often the case though, Huxley knew his twin’s mind nearly as well as he knew his own and wasn’t surprised that once Tamsyn was squirming across his thighs, Lo delivered a series of swift, hard smacks to her sit spots and then sat her up in his lap.

Tamsyn hissed as her tender bottom met his pants, her pants and pull-up ringing her knees, and hair in the perfect amount of disarray. So beautiful, Huxley wasn’t sure how he could bear it.

She circled her arms around Lo’s neck and laid her head on his shoulder, holding him close. Huxley had to look away from the cleaved open expression on his twin’s face, like his chest had been split and his heart was just out in the open now, vulnerable to whatever Huxley and Tamsyn decided to do with it. They’d fucking love him is what they would do.

Tamsyn whispered something her couldn’t quite make out and Lo dipped his head to kiss her neck. His family, the people who made him whole, right in front of him, loving each other, had his heart full to overflowing.

“Can you sit up, princess? I wanted to tell you and Hux about how we’re going to make this work.”

She nodded and peeled herself away from Lo. Sort of.

Now that those two had had a chance to reconnect without him, Huxley scooted closer, resting a hand on Tamsyn’s shoulder and looking at Lo. Yes, this was how things were supposed to be; the three of them, a tangle of limbs and emotions.

Lo cleared his throat and looked between them.

“I’m going to accept a job. Not for Cabot. And not for Holland. I’m going to be working for a private security firm as a fixer.”

Huh. That would be a really good fit for his mercenary brother. Would keep him occupied and challenged.

“Which one?” Hux pressed, although he suspected he knew.

“Carcharodon. Turns out Clover City is technically the owner’s base of operations although he’s not here much anymore. And he knows our friends at Hive.”

Lo’s familiar gaze bore into him and he didn’t even try to stop the corner of his mouth from curling up in a satisfied smirk. Then he shrugged.

“You don’t want to tangle with those people,” he told his twin.

“There’s going to be some hashing out to do about hours and travel but Taj—the guy I talked to—he likes to keep things under the radar. So unless people dig pretty hard, they’re not going to know who I’m working for and they’re sure as hell not going to know what I’m doing. No legacy to draw attention, and I guess a lot of people who work for the firm live…unconventional lives so we’ll fit right in.”

For the first time in weeks, Lo looked as though he believed things were going to turn out alright. The clouds and the melancholy that had been plaguing him seemed to be gone. God, that was nice. Better than nice. This was what he’d wanted for Lo. To feel complete, and worthy of love.