“I think you haven’t spent enough time with Hux. He’s got a fucking conscience and the rest of us could use at least a piece of one.”

Cabot shrugged. “Well, now you know. And in a way, this was your fault. If you would’ve just agreed to work for me, this wouldn’t be an issue. Still can. No harm, no foul. Now that you know how serious I am.”

“The woman I love was hospitalized for three days for nearly being strangled to death. She’s home with Hux now, and they think she’s going to be okay, but she’s not out of the woods yet. How in fuck’s name are you telling me there’s been no harm?”

His brother smirked and Lowell wanted to knock his teeth down his throat.

“Love? You think you love her? I’m sure Hux does, but you and I are the same. You might enjoy her and whatever perverted and unnatural games you three have been up to, and god, your face that night at dinner when Hux ran off to be with her, that’s what gave you away. But you don’t love her. You’re incapable.”

People had said a lot of nasty things to him in his life. He hadn’t cared. Much as Pete had fucked with Tamsyn because she was too clever and too driven to beat in a fair fight, people had tried to hurt him when it became clear they were no match for his intellect. It had never bothered him.

This though, this accusation that he was incapable of love, and from a man who wouldn’t know love if it punched him in the face… Ugh, poor Nuala, for being married to this person who gave psychopaths a bad name.

As tempting as it was to do violence to Cabot, Taj had been right. He wasn’t going to do Tamsyn any good rotting in a prison cell. And she was what mattered. Because hewascapable of love. Maybe not deserving of it after what he’d put Tamsyn and Hux through, and for what, but he’d let them be the judges of that.

He let go of Cabot’s collar, and stood in what could be the wreckage of his family’s legacy. He wasn’t going to decide that on his own.

“In case it’s not clear, I’m not coming to work for you. If I have my way, no one will ever work for you ever again. I haven’t decided what kind of consequences you’ll face but you can be sure that even if you try to run, I will find you. And you know I always get what I want.”