“If it’s because you like to be a middle with me, that’s fine. I like you being kinda bossy.”


“But if it’s because you don’t trust me to see the little part of you, or…” Maddie sniffed and Tamsyn’s heart cracked. “Or because you think I won’t want to be your very best friend forever and ever if you want to be a little instead of a middle, then I do not approve this message. At all.”

There was another sniff, quickly followed by one of her own. When had she teared up, and her throat become extra thick with tears?Ouchie, ouchie, ouch.

“I do trust you. With my life. And I don’t know what things will be like when I’m with youandmy daddies. So maybe I will be little with you sometimes, but when it’s just the two of us I want it to be big sister, little sister, like always. I don’t ever want you to feel like you can’t rely on me to be there for you or that you can’t ask for things because I’m little too. Promise?”

“We’ll figure it out, we’re real smart cookies. That’s what Daddy says. So yes, pinkie promise, besties forever.”

Okay, the tears were no longer content to stay dammed up behind her lashes, and they started to drip down her face. She startled when someone pressed a tissue against her cheeks, one at a time, to catch them. Daddy.

“Your throat is sounding pretty bad, babygirl. I think it’s about time to wrap up.”

She nodded, and loved the kiss her daddy pressed to her forehead.

“BFFs forever,” she told Maddie. “Daddy says I should go.”

“You should. You sound like a frog. Not a happy frog, either. But we’ll talk again soon, and I’m going to come see you as soon as the daddies say it’s okay. And you can text me if you want. I’m going to hug you so hard when I get there.”

“Perfect,” Tamsyn told her, heart overflowing with gratitude and love for the best friend a girl could ask for. “Love you, bestie.”

“Love you too.”

“Frogger out,” she said, and smiled when Maddie’s familiar giggle cascaded through the phone. Things might change some between them, but they’d figure it out. Yeah, they were going to be just fine.

* * *


It was music to his ears to Tamsyn chatter to Maddie on the phone, even if her voice was scratchy and hoarse. Of course, when it started to sound too strained and painful he’d stepped in because he didn’t want her to set her recovery back. But mostly it had warmed his heart to hear the girls talk. Their friendship was so sweet, and he knew how important Maddie was to his babygirl.

He’d held his breath along with Tamsyn after she’d told Maddie that she was a little. Such a brave little girl.

He didn’t think her friend would be cruel or reject her—Maddie didn’t seem to have a mean bone in her body and besides, those two had been friends through thick and thin—but he knew Tamsyn had been worried. And on the off chance it hadn’t been okay he wanted to be prepared.

Even though it did seem to have gone as well as he could’ve hoped, Tamsyn had gotten pretty emotional and seemed tired out. From the stress of worrying about the outcome or the physical exertion of having a longer conversation than usual he couldn’t say although he’d guess the former. Not only was she a smart cookie as he’d heard Maddie say, but she was a tough cookie and she probably would’ve sung a Broadway tune if she thought it would make her BFF happy.

After Tamsyn had hung up with her friend, he picked her up and settled her in his lap, careful of the IV and the monitors she still had. Sweet thing that she was, she rested her head on his shoulder and snuggled into him, laying a small hand over his heart.

“You doing okay, babygirl? Sounded like you had some big feelings but everything worked out okay.”

She nodded into him and he gave her a squeeze before he started to rub her back in big, slow circles.

“You’re a really good friend and Maddie’s a really good friend to you. I knew you girls would figure everything out. But I also know it was a really hard thing for you to talk to her about and I want you to know how proud I am of you for being so brave.”

He was a little surprised when Tamsyn pulled away—had he said something to upset her?—but he didn’t need to be worried; she promptly flung an arm around his neck and gave him a big hug which he returned.

When her hold loosened, he stroked her hair.

“How about we put some of your special honey tea in a sippy I snuck in here and watch a movie? I bet it would help your throat feel not quite so froggy and we can have a nice cuddle.”

The nurses didn’t like it when he was in her bed, but they could lump it. He would do whatever it took to make Tamsyn feel better. And if they were as invested in her recovery as they said they were, then they should be a big fan of his. He knew in his bones that him and Lo being around was helping her stay calm, follow directions, and get some rest.

Another nod, and then his kitten pressed a kiss to his cheek. He was the luckiest daddy in the whole world, and if it took until the end of his days he was going to make sure she was the luckiest babygirl.