
Hux nodded, looking pensive. She loved how he took her seriously even when or maybe especially when she was little. Some people wouldn’t have been able to keep a straight face when talking to a grown woman clutching a giant purple octopus with iridescent tentacles.

“I can understand that. You’ve been friends in a certain way for a really long time. Are you worried that you being little is going to change that?”

She nodded again, and felt a twinge, really a pale imitation of how devastated she would be if for some reason this changed her relationship with her best friend.

“You should tell her whatever you feel comfortable with. I don’t think it’s mean or wrong to keep this to yourself while it’s still so new.”


“It’s okay if you’re not ready to talk to me about this either, but I hope you know I’m here whenever you want to.”

“’Kay, Daddy.”

Even if she wasn’t quite ready to take Hux up on his offer, it was nice to know it was there. He kissed her forehead again like he knew what she was thinking and then drew the pad of his thumb across her cheek.

“What we should do now that you’re awake is get your diaper changed.”

* * *


Those big hazel eyes with their starburst centers were going to be the death of him.

“Come on, babygirl,” he urged. “You can bring your blankie and Octavia if you want but it’s been too long since we changed you. It’s my job to take care of you, so you’re going to let me do my job.”

“Yes, Daddy,” his little angel agreed, her cheeks a pretty shade of pink. Then she pinched her plump lips between her teeth, looking like she had more to say but keeping it to herself.

Giving her privacy was one of the hardest things; he wanted to dig into her, pull out every piece of information, every heartbreak and desire so he could be the best daddy possible. But by allowing her some measure of privacy he was building trust between them and that was more precious than gold so he’d swallow his impatience and wait for her to mete out her secrets. He’d prove himself worthy of holding them.

“Something you wanted to say? Something you need?”

“I don’tneedit.”

A smile tugged at his lips. Whatever it was, if it was within his power to give, she was going to have it.

“Something you want?”


“What is it, kitten? You can tell Daddy.”


It was the same little sound she made so often, and he was going to memorize the different tones and meanings. He was going to learn to translate every inflection. Given her accompanying flush, he guessed it was something she was embarrassed about wanting.

“Maybe you could tell Octavia and Octavia could tell me?” he suggested and was rewarded by a giggle and a “Daddy!”

He loved it when she called him Daddy. Turned him on and warmed his heart in equal measure, which was a lot. So much he felt like he might burst with pleasure and satisfaction.

And while she might roll her eyes about his silliness, she also leaned in alongside the octopus’s bulging eyes where its ears would be—did octopuses even have ears?—and stage whispered, “Daddy said something about a pacifier the other day and I think I’d really like to try it. But I’m shy. You know what that’s like, don’t you, Octavia?”

Tamsyn made the stuffie nod its head and it was so adorable his brain short-circuited. Such a gift to see these soft and silly parts of such a guarded woman. And so goddamn charming.

“Maybe you could tell Daddy? Like playing telephone?”

Tamsyn took one of the plush’s tentacles and tapped the tip to its mouth like the cephalopod was considering the proposal. For fuck’s sake, if Tamsyn was any cuter he’d die. They could never get her a puppy, his brain would disintegrate due to overwhelming adorableness.