Chapter Eight


An hour later, her backside was warm and probably pink, although she couldn’t say for sure. She and Cosima had kneeled on the spanking bench and draped themselves over the top side by side and Ian had proceeded to give Elder a lecture about different spanking techniques. Good places to hit, bad places to hit. Angles to use, games to play. He talked about the importance of warming up your sub, and also how to calibrate so you could better understand their pain tolerance.

Some part of her had been listening to all the information and hopefully tucking it away somewhere she’d be able to dredge it up from later. But she and Cosima had definitely done some giggling, and at some point, Tamsyn had had to stop talking to concentrate on staying still. Not that Elder was spanking her very hard, but it was getting to the point where she’d usually start to squirm.

For whatever reason, her inner brat hadn’t showed up for this so instead of finding herself mouthing off, she was trying her best to be good. To behave for this man she hardly knew. She told herself it was because this was a learning experience for him, and she didn’t want to be disruptive but…

“There,” she heard Ian pronounce. “I think that’s probably a good stopping point. You can always come find me or Hudson if you have questions. Ryker too, although you might just get grunts from him. Honestly, most of our members, unless they’re in a middle of a scene, are happy to talk shop and you don’t need to be shy.”

The smacks had stopped, and Elder began caressing her skin, rubbing over the flesh he’d just heated with his palm. She wouldn’t say it was the best spanking she’d ever had but it was far from the worst and for a first time out that said something. He’d been cautious but not reluctant, and a quick study. The way he was touching her now made her want to purr.

“Thanks so much for taking the time to… I’d say show me the ropes, but I saw there are other workshops for that.”

Oh my god, was that what passed for a kinky dad joke? She snorted and shook her head, and Cosima tittered next to her.

“Such a dork,” she said under her breath, and Cosima nodded.

“Yeah, but a handsome dork,” her new friend whispered back.

That was for sure. Maddie would probably say the same thing. She’d be sure to tell her about all this tomorrow. It was definitely past her BFF’s bedtime so she wouldn’t be awake to read any texts Tamsyn might send. Besides, it would be funnier to narrate how mortified she’d been about her twin mistake instead of just type about it. Maddie would get a good laugh at her expense.

There was a hand on her back then, and Elder’s voice got louder, like he was trying to get her attention.

“Want to sit up, Shannon?”

She kind of wanted to say no. Ask him to spank her more. But that didn’t seem to be on the agenda. Maybe next time?

“Uh, sure.”

Elder slid her panties back over her butt and turned down her skirt, which was a mix of hilarious and adorable. After making her decent, he slid a spank-warmed hand under hers and guided her to kneel up and then sit down on the bench, his other hand remaining on her back. She wasn’t fragile but the careful way he handed her was sweet. As was the way he searched her face.

“Are you okay? I know we checked in during the scene, but…”

“Yeah, I’m good. That was a warm-up for me. Like I definitely feel like I got spanked but it doesn’t hurt to sit down at all.”

“Alright. That’s good, that’s what I was going for. Can I get you a glass of water?”

“Yeah, that’d be nice. Here, I’ll meet you on that couch over there. We can free up the spanking bench for other people to have fun.”

There was a tug on her sleeve and she turned to see a grinning Cosima beside her. “I’m supposed to go do a scene with my Sir and I can’t be late but I hope I’ll see you around.”

“I hope so too.”

“Um, can I have another hug? Since we’re friends now?”

“For sure. And I give you blanket permission for hugs. You don’t have to ask me every time.”

Cosima squealed and then nearly strangled her. Maybe she should take back that hug offer…

No, she would never. Cosima would be devastated and besides, she liked having a new friend to hug. Not that anyone would ever replace Maddie but it would be nice to have friends in Clover City and especially at Hive.

Once Cosima had finished choking her and bounced off with Ian presumably to find her Sir, Tamsyn stood up and was grateful Elder was standing right there because she definitely wobbled. How embarrassing. Clearly it had been too long since she’d gotten bent over because that had been child’s play.

When Elder started walking her over to the couch she wanted to argue because she was fine and could definitely handle walking across a room. But if he wanted to be gallant and gentlemanly and treat her like she was precious did she really want to be a dick about it? Nah, she should save the attitude for people who deserved it.

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