He didn’t wait for a response because he didn’t know if she’d give him one, and also because he knew he wouldn’t be able to resist if she begged him not to go.

But true to his word, he was back a minute later with a heap of blankets and pillows he’d grabbed from the bed. He gave the big tub a cursory scan and then laid one of the blankets inside and set a pillow on one edge. There. Ian had definitely slept in here once when a few of the guys had come up to Thistledon to get shit-faced, so it would be okay for a little while, right?

And if it wasn’t? His lil bit whimpered and cowered as another bolt of lightning scrawled across the sky, followed by thunder that did sound real close. Didn’t matter if sitting in that empty tub was like lying on a bed of nails, he’d deal with it.

Having to prize Lil out of where she’d wedged herself wasn’t easy; especially when she fought him. Her damn nails were going to leave marks. Eh, whatever, was long as she didn’t claw out his eyeballs.

“Lil, we’re not leaving the bathroom, promise. Trust me, okay?”

Her chin trembled as she looked at him but she did stop trying to maul him. Small relief but he’d take it. He hefted her into his arms and then climbed into the big tub, putting the pillow behind his head and settling his little girl on top of him.

This was not comfortable. There was a goddamn reason people didn’t sleep in bath tubs. But he tugged a blanket over top the both of them and held his shaking girl, stroking her hair when she tucked her head into the crook of his shoulder.

“You’re okay, baby,” he soothed. “Daddy’s going to keep you safe. Nothing bad is going to happen. Just a lot of noise and light, like heaven’s throwing a tantrum. Nothing to worry about. Promise.”