Lilith knew the wail of protest she let out was not going to make Daddy change his mind, and indeed it did not. All it accomplished was having a pacifier gag fed into her mouth and buckled at the back of her head, followed promptly by being flipped face down on Vance’s lap, her onesie and her diaper unsnapped and pulled down to bare her backside. Which of course got spanked because Daddy loved to spank her bottom.

A dozen swift, cracking swats had her squirming and squealing around her gag, the pressure on her full tummy now that she was turned over his knee making her sex feel unbearably swollen and lush but also infuriatingly ravenous. She was so hungry for her daddy’s cock she was going to die if she didn’t get it soon.Die.

Her muffled cries were silenced when Daddy settled a hand on the back of her neck. That gesture almost never failed to render her squishy and compliant, and it didn’t now, even when her whole body was on the edge of being launched into a climax.

Okay, not silenced, but definitely quieted and more pathetic whimpers she just couldn’t contain as she trembled over his lap. In less dire straits she would be limp and calm and practically purring but he’d wound her up too hard for that. He had to let her come soon or she was going to snap.

“Now now, princess. Don’t be such a wiggle worm. You need to be still so Daddy can plug you up with your bottom binky.”

Fuck. Sure, Vance could make as many rules as he wanted about her swearing out loud and spank her to his heart’s content for breaking those rules…repeatedly. But he couldn’t legislate her out of thinking curse words.

Except the volley of slaps raining down on her buttocks said maybe he could.

“I know what you were thinking, naughty baby,” he told her as he rubbed his big, meaty hand over her tender backside.

He wasn’t wrong, and she wouldn’t lie—that was one rule she was good about following—so she merely gave an aggrieved half-sigh, half-whimper of resignation.

Vance might call her a hell child, but he was the one who was the spawn of satan, torturing her like this. Big Meanie Meanerson. She wouldn’t be thinking bad words if he wasn’t teasing her so much.

She’d tell him that, but her mouth was stuffed full and given how hard she was sucking on her paci, it would take no small effort to take it away from her. Lilith only sucked harder when she heard the cap of the lube snick open.

It wasn’t long before there was the firm, cool pressure of the stainless steel plug at her asshole, and then Daddy was rubbing just above the cleft of her backside with that firm hand she loved.

“Come on, my little hell child. Open up for Daddy. Take this big, fat plug for me. You know having your ass stuffed full makes you better behaved.”

It was annoying that he was right. More annoying still that it also made her even hornier and more desperate, so needy for not just Vance’s dick but also his comfort and approval. Was that like science or was it a her thing?

She made a noise of agreement behind her gag and then closed her eyes, drew deep breaths through her nose and focused on loosening her muscles so Daddy could feed the girthy toy into her back channel.

“Oh, there’s a good girl, taking your bottom binky.”

So humiliating but such a turn on the way he wielded those words.

* * *

Plugging Lil was one of life’s great pleasures. To be fair, just about anything with his lil bit was pleasurable. He loved the way she looked up at him when he first walked in the door, loved how she’d squeeze him so tight, loved how she looked when she climaxed, loved how she’d let him hand- and bottle-feed her, the way she was frank and open in their negotiations and aftermath conversations but such a soft and plaint little thing when they were in scene.

“Don’t be embarrassed, little girl,” he told her while playing with the toy, swirling the base, knowing the part lodged inside her was making the same motion. Wiggling it which made her horny as fuck, wet as hell, and whimper around her gag while trying to stay still and failing.

Toying with whatever he’d inserted into her back channel—plug, hook, ginger if she’d been “naughty”—also hit her shame button real hard. In a sexy way, though, not in a way that would haunt her. He got the feeling she was haunted enough already. Although aside from the stress of drawing down her meager bank account instead of filling it up—despite his offer to pay her bills, although at least she let him pay for groceries—and her disgusting ex-boss, he hadn’t learned yet what those things might be. No time to dwell on that now—he’d banish her demons or at least take her out of her head for a few hours so they couldn’t taunt her.

“I know you like having things in your bottom. That’s why Daddy’s going to fuck you there tonight.”

Lilith moaned and jerked over his lap. He knew that sound well by now. It was one of his favorites because it meantfuck, yes, please, Daddy.

“I’ve got some other plans for you first, though. Want to make sure my poppet is good and relaxed before I work my cock into your sweet little princess pucker.”

He’d heard Arthur say that to Saoirse before and it had the same effect on Lilith: rendering her squealy and squirmy.

Part of him wanted to finger fuck Lil to orgasm right here over his lap, have that slick channel of hers pulse around his fingers while she rubbed herself off on his thigh. But he’d also been dying to taste her since before he’d arrived.

All through dinner he’d had to remind himself to focus on the sushi Lil had taught herself to roll this week. Black rice and the blackest nori because his little gothic goddess couldn’t do anything without adding some drama, a few different fillings, and topped with either red or black roe. It’d been delicious and she’d blushed when he praised her, but he knew burying his head between her thighs would be just as satisfying.

So he hauled her up into a straddle and then stood with her in his arms. Her full breasts pressed against his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled against him. Mmm, maybe snuggled was too innocent a word because she definitely seemed to be attempting to get some friction on her clit by rocking against him.

Which got her a ringing smack to her backside.

“Don’t be a naughty baby,” he scolded. “Daddy decides what you get and when, not you. Unless you’re trying to say you’d like me to replace that plug with a big ol’ finger of ginger?”