Was it possible to have so much blood flow to your dick so quickly that a guy passed out? Because Vance felt as though he was on the verge of crumpling to the floor in an impossibly turned on heap.

“I’ll see what I can do. And do you like to wear pajamas to bed or sleep naked?”

“Jammies, Daddy.”

Not that he would mind her being in her birthday suit but he did love a little girl in a shorts-and-camisole set or a frilly nightie. Just the thought of it made his hard-on throb and he had to rub a hand over the base of his cock to keep from spilling in his pants. For fuck’s sake, was he forty-nine or nineteen?

“And how do you feel about diapers?”

Her brow wrinkled and her pink lips pursed. His sweet little girl looked stymied.

“That’s a very big question,” she murmured before wrenching her mouth to the side.

Well, fuck, yeah, it was, but he hadn’t meant it to be. He didn’t expect her to write a dissertation about the psychological effects or sociological implications of adults wearing diapers not for medical reasons but for gratification, either sexual or otherwise. He’d meant it as a very practical question and he should know better.

“You’re right, little girl. Daddy should have phrased it better, let’s try again. Do you like to wear diapers when you’re little?”

The line between her brows smoothed out some although didn’t completely disappear.

“Sometimes. I don’t…I don’t wear them when I’m by myself, but I like…”

She exhaled in an audible huff and that damn crease came back with a vengeance. He needed to do better still.

Vance used the pad of his thumb to rub between her perfectly plucked and arched brows.

“Would you allow Daddy to put you in a diaper tonight?”

There, that was better. No copping to any enjoyment which wasn’t always the point of kinky shit anyhow—not a direct hotline to pleasure anyway—asking for her consent, and giving a concrete timeline.

“Yes,” she whispered, looking at him with those wide eyes that were like windows into her deepest, fiercely guarded vulnerable places.

Her faith gutted him, and hell if he wasn’t going to reward her for all of it.

“What a good girl you are, telling Daddy the truth. I’m sure that wasn’t easy.”

She shook her head and then grasped his hand, brought it to her cheek and closed her eyes as she leaned into his palm. So this was what having your heart gouged out with a filigreed spoon felt like. Cool, cool, cool.

Vance stroked her soft cheek with his thumb and the tremble that ran through her slayed him.

“Since you’ve been so good, I think it’s time for your reward.”

And with that, he stripped the towel from her bath-pinked body and hefted her into his arms to carry her over to the bed.