Was this what is was like to be a guy who didn’t just play a daddy but maybe justwasa daddy? A for real man who wanted the responsibility of caring for another person and wasn’t simply looking for excuses to smack her ass? Pfft, like he needed an excuse. He could spank her anytime he wanted, this was great.

She still hated how her voice cracked when she said, “Thank you, Daddy. Thank you.”

Please let him think she was crumbling because he was hurting her, not because he’d helped. It was way easier that way.

“Now apologize and tell me you won’t do it again, poppet.”

“I-I’m sorry, Daddy,” she sniffed.

Vance found a spot on her outer right cheek that he seemed to favor and brought his hand down on it over and over again, the sharp cracks building an unbearable heat and piercing sting.

“What are you sorry for?”

He switched to the mirrored spot on her left cheek and she pulled at his grip on her wrists, knowing very well he’d never release her so she could rub her sore bottom. Not while he was still administering her punishment anyway. He wouldn’t want to hurt her by hitting her hands. The thought made her chest tighter still.

“I’m sorry for-for”—she let out a sob as his thick, meaty hand slammed into her tender flesh on repeat. “For being reckless, for putting myself in a dangerous situation. I p-promise I won’t do it again, Daddy. Promise. I learned my lesson, I did. Please, please, I’m sorry, Daddy. So sorry.”

“There you go,” he soothed, rubbing a firm hand over the skin he’d just been pummeling. “That’s a good girl. I’m glad we understand each other now, Lil. No more walking on that big, scary road, not for my precious little girl. You’re done with your spanking for that now, forgiven. But you’ve got twenty-three left for using naughty language and for making me wait. You ready for them now or you need a minute?”

“Now, please, Daddy,” she sniffled. She couldn’t bear the idea of getting what she was sure would be hard spanks on skin that had settled into soreness; so much better to take them while her ass was still actively on fire.

“Count for me, poppet,” he instructed and she nodded before agreeing, “Yes, Daddy.”

There was hardly time to take a breath before his hand cracked down on that sensitive spot in the crease between ass and thigh, making her cry out.

She had to gulp down oxygen before spitting out, “One!”

The swats only got harder as he alternated between that vulnerable crevice on each side of her cleft and it was a wonder he could decipher the numbers that were mostly garbled sobs at this point. She did try to be prompt with her counting so it didn’t take any longer than necessary but also so she could latch onto the rhythm of Vance’s ministrations, make it easer on herself because her brain knew what was coming instead of stewing in dreadful anticipation.

The wicked man did slow down for the last four, but she could still feel the tempo like the gut-jarring bass of some of her favorite songs.

“That’s it, Lil,” he encouraged even as he smacked her so hard she screamed. “Three more. You can do it.”

She could and she did, and only broke down completely after she’d choked out “Twenty-three!”

“There you go, little girl. Fall to pieces, Daddy’s got you.”

Vance let her hands go and turned her over to cuddle her against his chest and belly, holding her with those thick arms, rubbing her back with one bear paw and cradling the back of her head with the other.

“So many tears, poppet,” he murmured into her hair. “I don’t think this is just about your spanking, is it?”

She could lie, and maybe she should, but he’d pulled too many bricks out of that wall and it wouldn’t stand. Lilith shook her head, rubbing her tear-streaked face against his shoulder.

“So many big responsibilities for such a little girl," he crooned, and it made her cry even harder, her ribcage shuddering with her heaving sobs. “So many worries on your shoulders. You don’t have to carry them alone anymore. Daddy’s here.”