“I miss you, Daddy.”

Speaking of falling apart, he was going to fucking lose it. Sure Lil could be sugar sweet when she was little but he’d never been away from her when she was in littlespace and chatting with him. He hated being away from her more than usual.

It was all he could do not to haul ass to his car and point the Mercedes toward Thistledon and not let off the gas pedal until he reached the cabin. But he wouldn’t do that—yet—even if he wanted to hold his lil bit so bad he could smell her. That somehow spicy but woody and citrus scent he’d come to expect when she was nearby.

“I miss you too, poppet.”

“I…I’m sorry about yesterday.”

“Nothing to be sorry about,” he insisted. “If anything, I owe you an apology. I felt like you telling me about Damien was a big step and it was greedy of me to ask for even more. I should’ve been more gracious and not pushed so hard. I heard your concerns and I want you to be happy about any decision you make regarding us so I promise I’ll drop it.”

There, that was better.Blip, blip, just a blip. No need to call the whole thing off.

“Mmm, okay. But…”

But? He gave Lil a second to continue, but when she didn’t, he prodded, “But what, little girl?”

“But if I changed my mind and decided Iwouldlike to come live with you in Clover City, would that be okay too?”

“Pack your things, I’ll be there in two hours.”