Lilith perched at the edge of the bed, weighing her choices for another few seconds before launching herself off the plush mattress and skittering toward the bathroom.

She’d barely gotten three steps when a massive arm wrapped around her waist and lifted her bodily off the ground. For such a big man, her daddy could move awfully fast.

“I said no,” Vance growled in her ear as he hauled her back toward the bed.

Her heart raced as she scrambled to get free. Her legs weren’t long enough for her feet to touch the ground and besides her fuzzy socks would just be slippery on the wood floor but that didn’t stop her from kicking him and twisting in his grasp or from scraping her long nails across the ruddy skin of his forearm.

Vance swore but didn’t drop her. If anything, he held her tighter as he wrestled her back onto the bed and maneuvered her flailing limbs until she was lying across his lap with her hands pinned behind her back and her thighs trapped between his.

Ugh, she really had to work on her grappling. Not that she minded being caught but she could at least make it more of a challenge.

He unsnapped her onesie and yanked down her diaper before giving her a few sharp swats on each cheek.

“Lilith Shea Belladonna, do not test me. What Daddy says, goes. You can fight if you want to, but the more you fight, the longer I’m going to keep you in this bed, understand me? You’re exhausted and still rattled and that’s not acceptable. I’m doing this for your own good.”

Shit. Her butt was starting to heat up under what had become a lighter but more steady assault of blows being laid down across her exposed backside.

“I don’t need your help, I don’t need you,” she spat at him as she wriggled in his unyielding grasp. “I can take care of myself.”

“Clearly you can’t,” he said in a tone that was as measured as possible given that he was still spanking her, and harder now. “If you could care for yourself, I wouldn’t be doing this. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Lil. You’re just a baby. You’re too little to take care of yourself, that’s why Daddy needs to do it.”

His words made her throb between her legs, and made her heart ache at the same time.Yes, she wanted to say.Yes, I am so very small and tired. Am baby, just want Daddy to make it all better.

But that was too hard. It was easier to fight and scrap and throw a fit. Blow her angst out in a physical struggle instead of saying a few simple words.

Daddy wasn’t wrong, though. She really was worn out, and it didn’t take long until she was limp and weeping over his lap.

When he turned her over to cradle her against his chest, she didn’t fight him. This was good enough. She’d fought and she’d lost which was far easier to accept than having never fought at all.

“Oh, there you go, lil bit. Daddy’s going to take good care of you whether you want me to or not, don’t you worry.”

* * *

Vance had no illusions that this sniffly, pliant Lilith would last for the rest of the day. Or even hours. He stroked her hair and cuddled her, blotted her tears and made her blow her nose.

“Are you going to be a good girl long enough for Daddy to give you a bath or do I need to get you strapped down right away?”

He could tell by the way she twisted her mouth and blinked away from him that what she was about to say would probably be a lie.

“I’d like a bath please, Daddy.”

Wrestling with her, containing her vicious if bantam-weight tussle, was a total high but he’d had enough for the moment. And getting into a scuffle in the bathroom with slick surfaces and a slippery cunning little would likely end in injury to one or both of them. Not a chance.

“Mmph,” he grunted, cupping her cheek and then forcing her lips open to take his thumb inside the hot, wet cavern of her mouth. “I bet you would, but you’re going to have to prove you can be a good, obedient girl first. Now don’t move while Daddy gets your cuffs.”

It surprised him that when he set her down to lean against some pillows at the head of the bed that she actually stayed there while he rummaged in the drawers under the bed.

He also went and grabbed the cute pastel pink bat paci from the drying rack in the kitchen. He wasn’t going to give her the Hell Child one—that would only give her ideas.

“Open up, pretty baby,” he instructed, and Lil complied, taking the paci with no fuss. He knew her well enough to know having the silicone nipple to suckle would mellow her some which was why he popped it into her mouth before starting to buckle her into the cuffs he’d dragged out.

Lilith started to suck immediately, like it was a reflex and he could see some of the tension leave her body, her limbs left plump and languid as she sprawled against the pillows.

Buckling the wide, black, padded leather cuffs onto Lilith’s wrists and ankles was a delight. Different from last night since this was a very different kind of power exchange than what they’d engaged in hours before, but no less satisfying for that. His little bondage baby.

Vance urged her to sit up so he could strip the onesie off her, and slid the diaper down her legs and crumpled it into a ball to be tossed in the trash.

He pulled her by the ankle cuffs to the foot of the bed and held her feet in the air, slipping one of the thick diapers under her hips and then setting her back down to pull it between her legs and fasten the tabs. Took a few seconds to tweak and twist her nipples that had hardened while he put her in the diaper before pulling on the mint green jumper with the sparkly silver skulls that had shoulder straps so he could take her in and out of it without having to risk her escape.

The overall straps had the added benefit of being able to be undone so he could torment her tits while she was at his mercy. Part of his plan for getting her to rest today was definitely to force so many orgasms on her that she wouldn’t be able to keep her eyes open.

After she was dressed, he tucked her underneath her Beetlejuice blanket and gave her Flaps to cuddle. Sweet little thing rubbed her eyes as he sat next to her on the side of the bed. He smoothed a few stray strands of her hair back from her forehead and she sighed. Clearly the brief chase and struggle plus the spanking had wiped out whatever frenetic energy she’d woken up with.

“You want something to eat before you take your nap, lil bit?”

Lilith shook her head, made a little no-thank-you noise behind her paci and snuggled further into the pillows, lids drooping.

“Okay, we’ll get some food into you when you wake up. For now just be a good girl and rest for Daddy.”