Chapter Thirteen

Sitting in the giant tub and having Vance soap her up and rinse her off was terrible. The near-steaming heat was awful and the bubbles he’d put in were disgusting and she hated every second of it. She was also a huge lying liar pants because she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so relaxed and happy.

After what seemed both like forever and not nearly enough time, he fished her out of the cooling water, wrapped her up in a big fluffy towel and sat her on the counter again. She could’ve melted into a puddle but the sting in her ass was enough to keep her from completely dissolving. That and the way he kissed each pruny fingertip after nipping at them. Did he want to fuck? Because if not, that was really not a good way to go. Made her all squirmy thinking about where else he might bite her.

He also combed out her hair, insisted on blow-drying the entire mop of it too because “little girls don’t sleep with wet heads in this house.”

After so many years of being on her own, being with Vance was shocking and soothing. She wanted to drink him all down because this was too good to last and she should take advantage of it while she could.

When he laid a stripe of her toothpaste onto her toothbrush and told her to open her sassy mouth, she almost died.

Demanding she open her mouth in that confident voice that brooked no argument was so deeply sexual; made her toes curl, her cunt feel swollen and slick, made her nipples harden into tight buds. And when she did it, her whole body clenched with the feeling of sex as she curved her fingers over the edge of the countertop and widened her thighs so he could stand between them.

For some reason she couldn’t even imagine now, she’d never thought of another person brushing her teeth as arousing. How could she not have? It was a whole bunch of her favorite things all wrapped into one. The grooming, caretaking aspect that was entwined with what she thought a daddy ought to be like; the attention he was devoting to the most menial task, forher; the slight delicious embarrassment of being too little to care for herself so Daddy had to do it; the casual dominance of how he gripped her jaw to hold her still while he worked; down to the stroking penetration of the brush as the bristles massaged her teeth and gums. Fuck, she must be an incredible pervert and also real bad off if basic oral hygiene was making her this horny.

Vance met her eyes and gently tapped her cheek.

“Turn your head and spit, my little hell child.”

After she had and he’d tipped a glass of water into her mouth to rinse with, he set his big hands on either side of her hips.

“You seem pretty spacey, Lil. You doing okay?”

“Yes, Daddy. So good.”

“That’s good,” he told her, tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear before kissing her forehead. “I have a few questions for you that we definitely should’ve talked about before, but…”

He gave a wide-eyed blink and shook his head. “Well, to be honest, I didn’t see this coming so we’re just gonna do the best we can. And if it all feels too big or you can’t deal, just say ‘Too much, Daddy,’ and I’ll tuck you in and we’ll just go to bed. Okay?”

“I don’t wanna just go to bed.”

She shifted her hips and even through the plush terry of the towel, her butt still smarted from being spanked. Made the muscles of her pussy clench and pulse. There was no way she wasn’t slick and swollen.

No, if she went to bed right now she’d toss and turn, distracted by being so aroused. That or she’d reach between her legs and get herself off while Vance slumbered beside her and that seemed like a complete and utter waste.

“Neither do I, but I would never forgive myself if I took advantage of you.”

Whoever had “brought him up” as he’d put it had definitely done something right even if she wanted to use fistfuls of his straw-colored hair to shake his head before steering his face between her legs.

Lilith leaned in to kiss his jaw where his sideburn shaded into his beard. Murmured in his ear, “Thank you. I appreciate that. I promise I’m not that far gone. I’ve still got some grown-up brain cells in my head, despite your extraordinary efforts.”

His chuckle reverberated through his chest, and she felt the vibrations where she’d placed her hand over his heart.

* * *

Dead, dead, dead. Lilith was going to kill him dead and not with a knife or a frying pan like he’d thought.

She was so sweetly obedient and trusting. Seemed like a cross between a purring kitten and a very adult cat in heat from his attentions. Which was convenient because he wanted both to pet and stroke her but also take her over and fuck her until she begged for mercy, and then fuck her some more until she didn’t even remember words were an option. Christ, she was sexy.

Lilith sat back so he could see her face and blinked at him with those black eyes. Questions, yes, right.

“Do you want to get off?”

Her “yes” stepped on the heel of his last word as though she was so eager she couldn’t even wait for him to finish his sentence.

“Fingers? Mouth? Cock? Something else?”
