“Mmm,” she hummed, turning her head and sighing in pleasure. “Mm-hmm. You’re just getting started, right? This isn’t all there is?”

His response wasn’t that full-bodied belly laugh he’d let out last weekend, but more of a low rumble she could feel all around her. Almost like his amusement and confidence permeated the air of the entire cabin.

“Way more where that came from if you want it.”

“I do,” she assured him, and he laughed again at her eagerness.

“Perfect. Me too. You want a drink, need to change position or anything before I lay into you again?”

“No, Daddy.”

Vance made a muted half-grunt, half-ngh sound that was the yang to her softening yin. That sweet complement of play partners who suited one another that felt like glitter sprinkling in the snow globe of her brain. At least so far.

“Good. Then I’m going to pull your panties and your tights down. Ensure I’m making an impression.”

The tiniest high-pitched moan made it’s way out from between her lips as he peeled first her fishnets and then her undies down to mid-thigh. There was something so deliciously humiliating about having her bare ass exposed, knowing he was going to hit her, anticipating the heat he’d build, and instead of avoiding the shame that came with being spanked, burrowing into it.

She liked the way he dialed back just a smidge from where he’d left off before ratcheting up the intensity of the spanking. And while she enjoyed the sound of palm meeting ass in the stillness of this cabin in the woods, she did wonder if he was going to talk to her at all.

Some of her partners didn’t and she didn’t mind but some of them did. When they did it right, it added an extra layer to the stimulation that wrecked her from the inside out.

The next swat landed at an angle and in a place that made her inhale sharply and tense. It only lasted for a split-second before she was melting into the heat and the pain again but apparently Vance had been waiting for it like a cue.

“Lilith, you’re getting spanked because you failed to show adequate respect for your own well-being.”

Sweet Siouxsie and the Banshees, she was going to get a lecture. Excellent.

“I understand that you have a lot of big girl problems to deal with right now and that it’s very easy to be so worried and so stressed about those things that it can be hard to remember more basic things like feeding yourself and keeping yourself safe. As your daddy, this is one of the ways I remind you.”

Well that was a surefire way to pierce her heart. And she’d known it, seen it coming from a mile away. Hadn’t been able to dodge the arrow anyway. Just stood there and let the sharp tip of his steady, caring reprimand slide between her ribs.

Vance was the kind of man who wasn’t just in it because spanking was fun. It obviously was, but it went deeper for him. Either that or he was really good at playing pretend. A lot of lawyers were, she supposed. Not a small fraction of them got paid to lie professionally.

There was a split-second pause in the blows he was raining down on her backside that didn’t feel like the kind of break in rhythm some doms used to fuck with their bottoms.

Maybe she was reading too much into it but she’d been doing this for a while and she wasn’t so far gone that her observations had been dulled. The rapid tattoo resumed and so did his scolding.

“Ninety-two is a very busy road and people drive like maniacs. I can imagine you trying to save a squirrel or herd a salamander across the road and…you just can’t, little girl. It’s not safe.”

He was hitting her harder now, hard enough that it legit hurt and it was getting increasingly difficult to stay still. She was pretty good at welcoming the pain, breathing through it, hell, sometimes she practically bathed in it. But that was usually when she knew a partner better and had been playing regularly. So this? Taxing. It was an effort to not writhe across his thighs or kick her feet. She already had her hands clutched in the upholstery of the couch.

“I told you earlier that if you live in my house, you live by my rules. We haven’t talked about those yet so let me make it very clear. Walking on Ninety-Two, especially in the evening or at night, is against the rules. Next time you break that rule, you won’t just be getting a hand spanking. Tell me you understand.”

“I-I understand, Daddy.”

And she did, but she still had to eat. How the fuck did he—

“I hear that doubt in your voice, Lil. You think I’m just going to make that decree and not help you solve the problem? That’s not how I work. Hands.”

She complied without thinking, releasing her grip on the fabric and crossing her wrists at the small of her back. Vance gathered them in one of his big bear paws, pinned them down. Despite the swats getting even harder, Lilith felt the tension that’d gathered in the last few seconds melt away. Bondage had a way of doing that to her but so did his promises even if she didn’t know what he was going to say.

She didn’t even mind him getting familiar, calling her Lil. She’d normally cut anyone who called her that—only her sister was allowed—but it felt warm from Vance, like a hug from a daddy to his cute little girl and Peter Murphy help her, but she liked it.

“We’ll go to the grocery store before I leave and get you everything you need until next weekend. If you need something when I’m not here, you’re going to use a car service or get delivery. This is my rule, so I’m paying for it, no arguments. I don’t set up my little girl to fail, I promise you that.”

Well now he was just trying to set her crucified heart on fire. And not the delicious, smoldering heat kind he was building on her ass but the charred-to-a-crisp, blackened-husk kind.

It was all fun and games to play Daddy and little girl, to be spanked and put in corner time for some imaginary offense or even punished for bratting. It was something else entirely to not only be chastised for neglecting her safety but to also be handed a solution. No one had done that before.