‘And give her mine,’ Audra said.

She did a happy dance when Ami left to wait on another table. ‘Everyone has worked so hard. And it’s all paid off.’ She gestured at the main street and the town square, all festooned in gaily coloured bunting and stall upon stall of wares and produce. Satisfaction rolled through her. It’d been a lot of work and it’d taken a lot of vision, but they’d created something here they could all be proud of.

‘You’ve worked so hard.’ Finn lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it, and just like that the blood heated up in her veins.

‘I heard Giorgos tell Spiros that next year the committee needs to market Kyanós as an authentic Greek getaway. With so many of the young people leaving the island, most families have a spare room they can rent out—so people can come here to get a bona fide taste of genuine Greek island life.’

She laughed. ‘Everyone has been so enthusiastic.’

‘This is all your doing, you know?’


‘You were the one that suggested the idea and had everyone rallying behind it. You’ve been the driving force.’

‘Everyone has worked hard.’

He stared at her for a long moment. ‘You’re amazing, you know that? I don’t know how I got to be so lucky. I love you, Audra Sullivan.’

Her throat thickened at the love in his eyes. She blinked hard. ‘And I love you, Finn Sullivan.’ This was the perfect time to tell him her news—with the sun setting behind them, and the air warm and fragrant with the scent of jasmine.

She opened her mouth but he spoke first. ‘I had a word with Rupert earlier.’

She could tell from the careful way he spoke that Rupert had told him the outcome of the court case against Thomas Farquhar. She nodded. ‘I had a quiet word with Trixie.’

Finn shook his head. ‘I can’t believe you’re becoming best friends with a reporter.’

‘I believe it might be Rupert who’s her best friend.’ Something was going on with her brother and the beautiful journalist, but neither of them was currently giving anything away. ‘She told me the pharmaceutical company Thomas was working for have paid an exorbitant amount of money to settle out of court.’

‘Are you disappointed?’

‘Not at all. Especially as I have it on rather good authority that Rupert means for me to administer those funds in any way I see fit.’

He started to laugh. ‘And you’re going to give it all to charity?’

‘Of course I am. I want that money to do some good. I suspect Thomas and his cronies will think twice before they try something like that again.’

They ate and drank in silence for a bit. ‘Everyone is meeting at Rupert’s for a celebratory dinner tonight,’ Finn finally said.

‘Excellent. It’s so nice to have the whole family together.’ She’d like to share her news with all of them tonight. But she had to tell Finn first. ‘Do you ever regret moving to Kyanós, Finn?’

His brow furrowed. ‘Not once. Never. Why?’

She shrugged. ‘I just wanted to make sure you weren’t pining for a faster pace of life.’

‘I don’t miss it at all. I have you.’ His grin took on a teasing edge. ‘And I get to hang-glide.’ He raised an eyebrow. ‘We could sneak off to continue your training right now if you wanted.’

She’d love to, but... Her pulse started to skip. ‘I’m afraid my training is going to have to go on hold for a bit.’

He leaned towards her. ‘Why? You’ve been doing so well and...and you love it.’ Uncertainty flashed across his face. ‘You do love it, don’t you? You’re not just saying that because it’s what you think I want to hear?’

‘I totally love it.’ She reached out to grip his hand, a smile bursting through her. ‘But I’m just not confident enough in my abilities to risk it for the next nine months.’

He stared at her. She saw the exact moment the meaning of her words hit him. His jaw dropped. ‘We’re...we’re having a baby?’

She scanned his face for any signs of uncertainty...for any consternation or dismay. Instead what she found mirrored back at her were her own excitement and love. Her joy.

He reached out to touch her face. His hands gentle and full of reverence. ‘We’re having a baby, Princess?’

She nodded. He drew her out of her seat to pull her into his lap. ‘I—’

She could feel her own tears spill onto her cheeks at the moisture shining in his eyes. ‘Amazing, isn’t it?’

He nodded, his arms tightening protectively around her.