She’d been clever and fun, and she’d made him laugh. He hadn’t realised what she’d been up to. She’d challenged him in ways that had kept his mind, not just active, but doing loop-the-loops, while his body had been recuperating and recovering its strength. Clever.

‘You haven’t chafed the slightest little bit at the slower pace.’

Because it hadn’t felt slow. It’d felt perfect. Everything inside him stilled. Perfect? Being here with Audra...? She made him feel... He swallowed. She made him feel as if he were hang-gliding.

She was perfect.

Things inside him clenched up. She said that she loved him.

‘You’re planning to move to the island too. Don’t you think that means something?’

It felt as if a giant fist had punched him in the stomach. He saw now exactly what it did mean. He loved her. He wasn’t sure at what point in the last fortnight that’d happened, but it had. She said she loved him. His heart pounded. With everything he had he wanted to reach out and take it, but...

He glanced at Rupert. Rupert stared back, his dark eyes inscrutable, and a cold, dank truth swamped Finn in darkness. Acid burned hot in his gut. Rupert knew Finn wasn’t good enough for his sister. Rupert knew Finn couldn’t make Audra happy...he knew Finn would let her down.

A dull roar sounded in his ears; a throbbing pounded at his temples.

‘I have a “truth or dare” question for you, Finn.’

He forced himself to meet her gaze.

‘Do you or don’t you love me?’

The question should’ve made him flinch, but it didn’t. He loved her more than life itself. And if he denied it, he knew exactly how much pain that’d inflict on her. He knew exactly how it’d devastate her.

He glanced at Rupert. He glanced back at her. She filled his vision. He’d helped her find her dream, had helped her find the courage to pursue it. That was no small thing. She would lead a happier life because of it. And he—

He swung to Rupert, his hands forming fists. ‘Look, I know you don’t think I’m good enough for your little sister, and you’re probably right! But you don’t know how amazing she is. If I have to fight you over this I will, but—’

Rupert launched himself out of his seat. ‘What the hell! I never said you weren’t good enough for Audra. When have I ever given you the impression that you weren’t good enough?’

Finn’s mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out.

‘When have I ever belittled you, made light of your achievements, or treated you like you weren’t my equal?’

Rupert’s fists lifted and Finn kept a careful eye on them, ready to dodge if the need arose. He’d rarely seen Rupert so riled.

‘That’s just garbage!’ Rupert slashed a hand through the air. ‘Garbage talk from your own mind, because you still feel so damn guilty about me giving up that stupid prize all those years ago.’

Rupert glared at him, daring him to deny it. Finn’s mind whirled. He’d carried the guilt of what Rupe had sacrificed for him for seventeen years. He’d used that guilt to keep him on the straight and narrow, but in the process had it skewed his thinking?

‘But you ordered me to keep my distance from Audra. Why?’

‘Because I always sensed you could break her heart. And with you so hell-bent on avoiding commitment I—’

‘Because of the promise he made to himself when he was eighteen,’ Audra inserted.

‘What promise?’ Rupert stared from one to the other. He shook himself. ‘It doesn’t matter. The thing is, I never realised Audra had the potential to break your heart too.’

Finn couldn’t say anything. He could feel the weight of Audra’s stare, but he wasn’t ready to turn and meet it. ‘You saved my life, Rupe.’ Rupert went to wave it away, but Finn held a hand up to forestall him. ‘But Audra is the one who’s made me realise I need to live that life properly.’

Rupert dragged a hand down his face. ‘I should never have interfered. It wasn’t fair. I should’ve kept my nose well and truly out, and I hope the two of you can forgive me.’ He looked at Audra. ‘You’re right to be furious with me. It’s just...’

‘You’ve got used to looking out for me. I know that. But, Rupe, I’ve got this.’

He nodded. ‘I’m going to make myself scarce.’

She nodded. ‘That would be appreciated.’

He leaned forward to kiss the top of her head. ‘I love you, Squirt.’ And then he reached forward and clapped Finn on the shoulder. ‘I’ll be back tomorrow.’ And then he was gone.