‘This is what you do?’ she asked the other woman. ‘You spy on people?’

Trixie, probably wisely, remained silent.

She glanced at Rupert. ‘You’re upset about this? I know you warned Finn off, but I kissed him, not the other way around. I took him off guard. He didn’t stand a chance.’ Behind her Finn snorted. ‘Besides, it was a friendly kiss...a thank-you kiss. And it lasted for less than two seconds.’

Without a word, Rupert leaned across and pulled that photo away to reveal the one beneath. She stared at it and everything inside her clenched up tight. It was of her and Finn outside the art studio that day, and they were... She fought the urge to fan her face. They were oblivious to everything. They were wrapped so tightly in each other’s arms it was impossible to tell where one began and the other ended. It had, quite simply, been the best kiss of her life.

She lifted her head and shrugged. ‘I’m not sure she got my best side.’

Nobody laughed.

‘Trixie has informed me that unless she gets an interview with Finn, she’ll sell these photos to the tabloids.’ Rupert speared Finn with a glare that made all the hairs on her arms lift. ‘Finn will give her that interview and make sure you aren’t subjected to any more grubby media attention.’

A fortnight ago she might’ve agreed with Rupert, but now... She drew in a breath, then lifted her chin. ‘I’m not ashamed of these photos.’

‘It’s okay, Princess. I don’t mind. I don’t have anything incriminating to tell our fair crusader here, so an interview won’t take long at all.’

She wanted to stamp her feet in her sudden frustration. ‘No, you’re not hearing me. I’m not ashamed of these photographs.’

He met her gaze, stilled, and then rocked back on his heels. ‘I—’

She held up a hand and shook her head. Pursing his lips, he stared at her for what seemed like forever, and then eventually nodded, and she knew he was allowing her to choose how they’d progress from here. She swung back to Rupert and Trixie. ‘In fact, I’m so not ashamed of these photographs, if Ms McGraw doesn’t mind, I’m going to keep them.’

‘I have the digital files saved in several different locations. Your keeping that set won’t prevent them from being made public.’

‘I didn’t doubt that for a moment.’ Audra’s phone buzzed. ‘Time’s up, Rupert.’

‘You still want her to leave?’

‘Absolutely! I’d much rather these pictures appear in the papers than any more gratuitous speculation about me and Thomas.’ The situation with Thomas had left her feeling like a fool, not to mention helpless and a victim. The pictures of her and Finn, however... Well, they didn’t.

‘Besides, we all know how the press can twist innocent words to suit their own purposes. It sounds to me as if Joachim doesn’t deserve to become the next target in a media scandal that has no substance.’

‘You’re mistaken. There’s substance,’ Trixie said.

‘Then go find your evidence elsewhere, because you’re not going to hit the jackpot here,’ Audra shot back.

Rupert’s eyes flashed as he turned to Finn. ‘So you refuse to do the honourable thing?’

* * *

Rupert’s words felt like a knife to his chest. Finn refused to let his head drop. ‘I’m going to do whatever Audra wants us to do.’ He’d known how disempowered Farquhar had left her feeling. He wasn’t going to let Trixie McGraw make her feel the exact same way. He wasn’t going to make her feel that same way.

He’d sensed that the photographs had both amused and empowered her, though he wasn’t sure why. She’d been amazing to watch as she’d dealt with the situation—strong and capable, invulnerable. He wasn’t raining on her parade now.

Rupert’s hands clenched. ‘You promised you wouldn’t mess with her!’

Finn braced himself for the impact of Rupert’s fist against his jaw, but Audra inserted herself between them. ‘Not in front of Lois Lane here, please, Rupe.’ She pointed back down the path. ‘I believe you mentioned something about escorting her from the premises.’

A muscle in Rupert’s jaw worked. ‘You sure about this?’


Trixie shook her head. ‘You’re making a mistake.’

‘And you’re scum,’ Audra shot back.

Amazingly, Trixie laughed. As Rupert led her to the top of the path, she said, ‘I like your sister.’

‘I’m afraid she doesn’t return the favour. I’ll meet you back on the boat later.’