Directly out in front was the Aegean reflecting the most glorious shade of blue that beguiled like a siren’s call, the horizon tinted a fiery gold, the outlines of other islands in the distance adding depth and interest. It’d be a spectacular sight when the sun set.

To her right the land fell in gentle undulations, golden grasses rippling down to a small but perfectly formed beach. A third of the way down was a collection of run-down outbuildings.

‘This plot—thirty acres in total—is for sale.’ He pointed to the outbuildings. ‘The farmer who owns it used those to store olives from his groves...and goats, among other things apparently. They haven’t been used for almost fifteen years. The moment I clapped eyes on them I knew exactly how to go about transforming them into an amazing house.’

It was the perfect site for a home—sheltered and sunny, and with that beautiful view. Audra swallowed. ‘That sounds lovely.’

‘I even came up with a name for the house—the Villa Óneira.’

Óneira was the Greek word for dreams. The House of Dreams. He...he wanted to live here on Kyanós? Her heart leapt. That had to mean something.

She tried to keep her voice casual. ‘What would you do with the rest of the plot?’ Because no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t see Finn as an olive farmer or a goat herder.

He gestured to the crest of the headland. ‘Do you remember once asking me what activities I couldn’t live without?’

She’d been thinking of the rally-car racing, the rock climbing, the skydiving. ‘What’s the answer?’


She blinked. ‘Hang-gliding?’

‘It’s the best feeling in the world. Sailing above it all on air currents—weightless, free...exhilarating.’

Her heart burned as she stared at him. He looked so alive.

‘That was a great question to ask, Audra, because it made me think hard about my life.’

It had?

‘And when I stumbled upon this plot of land and saw that headland, I knew what I could do here.’

She found it suddenly hard to breathe.

‘I’ve been fighting it and telling myself it’s a stupid pipe dream.’ He swung to her, his face more animated than she’d ever seen it. ‘But after our talk this morning, maybe it’s not so daft after all.’

‘What do you want to do?’

‘I want to open a hang-gliding school. I’m a fully qualified instructor.’

He was?

‘And I’ve had a lot of experience.’

He had?

‘The school would only run in the summer.’ He shrugged. ‘For the rest of the time I’d like to focus on the work I do for Aspiration Designs. But I want to work off the grid.’ He flung out an arm. ‘And here seems as good a place to do it as any. Kyanós has a great community vibe, and I’d love to become a part of it.’

He stopped then as if embarrassed, shoved his hands in his pockets and scuffed a tussock of grass with the toe of his sneaker.

She stared at him. His dream... It was lovely. Beautiful. ‘Your plan sounds glorious, Finn.’

He glanced up. ‘But?’

She shook her head. ‘No buts. It’s just... I remember you saying island life wouldn’t suit you.’

‘I was wrong. Being on a permanent holiday wouldn’t suit me. But being in an office all day wouldn’t suit me either. I’d want to leave the day-to-day running of Aspirations to my partners—they’re better at that than me. Design is my forte. But the thought of sharing my love of hang-gliding with others and teaching them how to do it safely in this amazing place answers a different need.’

‘Wow.’ She couldn’t contain a grin. ‘Looks like we’re going to be neighbours.’

He grinned back and it nearly dazzled her. ‘Looks like it. Who’d have thought?’

This had to mean something—something big! Even if he wasn’t aware of it yet.

He tossed the car keys in the air and caught them. ‘Hungry?’



‘LOOKS LIKE YOUR sailboat is coming in again, Audra.’

They were eating a late lunch of crusty bread, cheese and olives, and Audra’s mind was buzzing with Finn’s plans for the future. If they were both going to be living on Kyanós, then...

Her heart pounded. It was possible that things could happen. Romantic things. She knew he hadn’t considered settling down, falling in love—marrying and babies. Not yet. But who knew how that might change once he settled into a new life here? Given time, who knew what he might choose to do?

She tried to control the racing of her pulse. She had no intention of rushing him. She was in no rush. She meant to enjoy their friendship, and to relish the changes she was making in her life. And—she swallowed—they would wait and see what happened.