One shoulder lifted. ‘I asked Angelo to whip up a couple of simple display arrangements—don’t look too closely because they’re not finished.’

‘But...but there’s stock on the shelves!’

‘I borrowed some bits and pieces from Angelo, Eleni, Kostas and Christina. They were more than happy to help me out when I told them what it was for. You’re very well thought of in these parts. They consider you one of their own, you know?’

It was how she’d always felt here.

‘So you’ll see it gets a little more rough and ready the further inside we go.’

He took her arm and led her deeper into the shop and she saw that he’d tacked pictures of all the things she meant to sell on temporary shelves. It brought her dream to magical life, however—helped her see how it could all look in reality. The layout and design, the colours and the light flooding in, the view of the harbour, it was all so very, very perfect. ‘I love it.’

‘Wait until you see upstairs.’ Reaching for her hand, he towed her to the back of the shop. ‘There’s a kitchenette and bathroom through here and storeroom there.’ He swung a door open and clicked on the light, barely giving her time to glance inside before leading her up a narrow set of stairs to a lovely apartment with a cosy living room, compact but adequate kitchen, and two bedrooms. The living room and the master bedroom, which was tucked beneath the eaves on the third floor, had exceptional views of the harbour. It was all utterly perfect.

‘I can’t believe you did this!’

‘So you like it?’

‘I couldn’t love it any better.’

His grin was full of delight and...affection.

Her mind raced. He was attracted to her, and he cared for her. He’d done all of this for her. It had to mean something.

‘I made enquiries and the price they’re asking seems reasonable.’

He named a price that made her gulp, but was within her means. She pulled in a breath. ‘I’m going to get a building inspection done and...and then put in an offer.’

He spun back to her. ‘You mean it?’

She nodded. She wanted to throw herself at him and hug him. But if she did that it’d make his guard go back up. And before that happened she needed to work through the mass of confusion and turbulence racing through her mind.

She followed him back down the stairs silently. His gaze narrowed when they reached the ground floor. ‘Is everything okay?’

‘My mind is racing at a hundred miles a minute. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed.’

His eyes gentled. ‘That’s understandable.’

She gestured around. ‘Why did you do this for me, Finn? I’m not complaining. I love it. must’ve taken a lot of effort on your part.’

‘I just want you to have your dream, Princess. You deserve it.’

She stared at him, wishing she could read his mind. ‘You’ve spent a lot of time thinking about my future, and I’m grateful. But don’t you think you should’ve been spending that time focussing on some new directions for yourself?’

His gaze dropped. He straightened a nearby shelf, wiped dust from another. ‘I’ve been giving some thought to that too.’

The admission made her blink. He had?

‘Kyanós, it seems, encourages soul-searching.’ He shoved his hands into the back pockets of his cargo shorts and eyed her for a long moment. ‘I’ve been toying with a plan. I don’t know. It could be a stupid idea.’ He pulled his hands free, his fingers opening and closing at his sides. ‘Do you want to see?’

Fear and hope warred in her chest. All she could do was nod.

‘Come on, then. We’ll return the key and then I’ll show you.’

* * *

The car bounced along an unsealed road that was little more than a gravel track. Audra glanced at the forest of olive and pine trees that lined both sides. She’d thought he’d meant to take them back to the villa. ‘I’ve not been on this road before.’

‘I’ve spent some time exploring the island’s hidden places these last few days.’

Along with exploring all the ways she could make her dream a reality. He’d been busy.

‘It brings us out on the bluff at the other end of the beach from Rupert’s place.’

The view when they emerged into a clearing five minutes later stole her breath. Finn parked and cut the engine. She pushed out of the car and just stared.

He shoved his hands into his pockets, keeping the car between them. ‘It’s a pretty amazing view.’

Understatement much? ‘I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a more spectacular view. This is...amazing.’ Water surrounded the headland on three sides. From this height she could only make out a tiny strip of beach to her left and then Rupert’s villa gleaming in amongst its pines in the distance.