‘Look, I know you raise a lot of money for charity, but there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to your methods—no proper organisation. You simply bounce from one thing to the next.’

‘And what about my design company?’

Her hands went to her hips. ‘You don’t seem to spend a lot of time in the office.’

His mouth worked. ‘You think I treat my company like a...a toy?’

‘Well, don’t you? I mean, you never talk about it!’

‘You never ask me about it!’

She blinked. ‘From where I’m standing—’

‘With all the other workaholics,’ he shot back.

‘It simply looks as if you’re skiving off from the day job to have exciting adventures. Obviously that’s your prerogative, as you’re the boss, but—’

He raised his arms. ‘Okay, we’re going to play a game.’

She stared at him. Her eyes throbbed, and he knew that some of this anger came from what had almost happened between them—the physical frustration and emotional confusion. He wanted to lean across and pull her into his arms and hug her until they both felt better. But he had a feeling that solution would simply lead to more danger.

Her chin lifted. ‘And what about my question?’

‘By the end of the game you’ll have your answer. I promise.’ And in the process he meant to challenge her to explore the dreams she seemed so doggedly determined to bury.

Her eyes narrowed and she folded her arms. ‘What does this game involve?’

‘Sitting in the garden with a plate of croissants and my computer.’

She raised her eyebrows. ‘Sitting?’

‘And eating...and talking.’

She unfolded her arms. ‘Fine. That I can do.’

What was it his uncle used to say? There’s more than one way to crack an egg. He might never discover the reasons Audra held herself back, but the one thing he could do was whet her appetite for the options life held, give her the push she perhaps needed to reach for her dreams. After all, temptation and adventure were his forte. He frowned as he went to retrieve his laptop. At least, they had been once. And he’d find his fire for them again soon enough.

And he couldn’t forget that once he’d answered her question, he’d have one of his own in the kitty. He might never use it—she was right, these questions could be dangerous—but it’d be there waiting just in case.


AUDRA BLINKED WHEN Finn handed her a large notepad and a set of pencils. She opened her mouth to ask what they were for, but when he sat opposite and opened his laptop she figured she’d find out soon enough.

For the moment she was simply content to stare at him and wonder what that stubble would feel like against her palms and admire the breadth of his shoulders and—

No, no. No!

For the moment she was content to...to congratulate herself for keeping Finn quiet for another day. And she’d...admire the view. The brilliant blue of the sea contrasted with the soft blue of the sky, making her appreciate all the different hues on display. A yacht with a pink and blue sail had anchored just offshore and she imagined a honeymooning couple rowing into one of the many deserted coves that lay along this side of the island, and enjoying...

Her mind flashed with forbidden images, and she shook herself. Enjoying a picnic.


She glanced up to find Finn staring at her, one eyebrow raised. She envied that. She’d always wanted to do it. She tried it now, and he laughed. ‘What are you doing?’

‘I love the “one eyebrow raised” thing. It looks great and you do it really well. I’ve always wanted to do it, but...’ She tried again and he convulsed. Laughter was good. She needed to dispel the fraught atmosphere that had developed between them in the kitchen. She needed to forget about kissing him. He’d been looking grim and serious in odd moments these last few days too...sad, after telling her about the promise he’d made to himself when he’d turned eighteen.

She didn’t want him sad. In the past she’d often wanted to get the better of him, but she didn’t want that now either. She just wanted to see him fit and healthy. Happy. And she wanted to see him the way she used to see him—as Rupert’s best friend. If she focussed hard enough, she could get that back, right?

She gave a mock sigh. ‘That’s not the effect I was aiming for.’

‘There’s a trick.’

She leaned towards him. ‘Really?’

He nodded.

‘Will you tell it to me?’

‘If you’ll tell me what you were thinking about when you were staring out to sea.’ He gestured behind him at the view. ‘You were a million miles away.’