“Oh, yes. Do you want some cake? It’s really good. Plum made it just for me and it has flowers all over the top so everyone gets one.”

“I would love a piece, thank you.”

Cosima skittered off, her ruffly skirt and the three petticoats she’d insisted on wearing flouncing around her knees.

“What a cutie,” Eric commented, and he was right. So right.

* * *


Parties were exhausting. She was so, so grateful to Daddy and Papa and Ryker for doing all of this for her and it had been better than she’d dreamed it would be but now she was ready to get tucked into her crib or to snuggle up with Daddy and Papa in their bed if they were already sleepy too.

She had waited until everyone left to open her presents because she didn’t want to waste any time with her friends. Also, she had been pretty sure she’d get overwhelmed and cry at some point—she hadn’t been wrong about that. How could she not when everyone had been so generous and thoughtful?

Sable and Jethro had brought her another plant and a board game, Twyla and Mr. Fox had given her books from a series that Mr. Fox said all his students were reading, Halliday gave her a bunch of scrunchies and barrettes, Plum and Father Gideon gave her a sweater with an ice cream sundae on it with earrings that matched, Doctor Eric had brought her a playset and coloring books of the Royal Mediterranean series that came out when they made some of the books into movies, Saoirse and Arthur had brought her a stationery set that she used to write her thank you notes, and Daddy and Papa had given her a brand new bicycle. It was robin’s egg blue and had a pretty wicker basket on the front and a bell, and they promised to take her to Sable and Jethro’s where she could ride it in their big parking lot. She couldn’t wait.

She had noticed while she was opening her presents that there wasn’t anything from Ryker. Which was fine, really. He didn’t seem like the kind of guy who would like shopping for stuffies or pretty clothes or anything like that. But he was also thoughtful in subtle ways, caring for people in understated gestures and then slipping away like he hoped he could escape before anyone noticed he’d done something nice. So, okay, maybe her feelings were a little hurt that he hadn’t done anything.

She yawned real big and tried to hide it behind her arm but Papa smiled at her. “You had a big day, Coco. Let’s get you into some jammies and ready for bed.”

Cosima reached up toward him so Papa could pick her up off the floor of the living room and maybe even carry her all the way upstairs. Maybe not tonight though because he was probably tired too. He’d run all the games they’d had downstairs in the club and it had been so much fun.

Before he could, though, there was a meow coming from the door that led upstairs. Since Stella rarely went anywhere without Ryker, she wasn’t surprised to see him leaning against the doorway, hands behind his back, ankles crossed. She was still intimidated by him but Hudson had been right—she’d gotten used to him. More than used to him, actually. She ached for him. Dreamed about him.

That night in the club had been weeks ago and he’d said they could play but they hadn’t yet. She felt as though he’d offered and then avoided her even more than usual. What the heck was that? If he didn’t want to play with her, fine, but then why offer her the possibility, the hope? That was mean.

“’Sup, Ry?” Papa asked.

“Might I have a word with Cosima? Unless it’s her bedtime of course.”

“I was about to get her ready for bed but I think that could wait a bit. Unless you’re too sleepy?”

Both of them looked at her and she froze. Whatever she decided would be fine, she knew that. But she also knew saying no to Ryker would be petty and that wasn’t the kind of behavior Daddy or Papa would be proud of her for.

Curiosity was also gnawing at her—what was he going to say? Last time he’d asked to speak with her he’d spilled his guts and said they could play. Maybe he was going to actually make a date to do it? Also, she had been sleepy but his presence sure had woken her up.

“Um, okay. I’m not too sleepy.”

Ian looked between them and nodded. “Cool. Just give me a holler when you’re done.”

And then he walked away, leaving her sitting on the floor with her party dress spread out around her, looking up at the one man she fantasized about but could never completely have.

It surprised her when Ryker strode toward her and sank down to the floor in front of her, cross-legged. Of course Stella immediately claimed the bowl his folded legs made and Cosima felt a pang in her chest. And then promptly internally rolled her eyes—really, she was jealous of a cat? That was sad.

She tried to squash the feeling, because she liked Stella and it sounded like the cat hadn’t had an easy life before her daddies adopted her. The kitty deserved to be spoiled and petted and loved like she did.

“Did you have a good time at your party?”

He just wanted to talk about the party? He’d been there. Sort of. She’d seen him refilling food and answering the door and doing that sort of thing but she didn’t think he’d even eaten any cake.

“Yes, I did. Thank you for helping put it together. It was perfect.”

Ryker nodded, not looking at her, hands still tucked behind his back. What on earth was going through his head? She wished he came with an interpreter. Then he was handing her a present, perfectly wrapped in yellow paper that had rainbows on it, with a big white bow on top.

“Happy birthday.”

“Oh,” she said, accepting the box. It was heavier than she thought it would be and when she looked up at him, she could’ve sworn he was flushed. Was heblushing? For real?