Page 70 of Plum's Priest Daddy

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Gideon had been right, as he so often was. It was still chilly outside but taking a walk was nice. Crocuses and daffodils were starting to poke their stalks through the dirt and Plum could smell spring in the air like a fresh start.

She would really freaking love a new beginning for herself—for her business. Her heart was still heavy with her losses, but when she wasn’t weighed down by the grief of seeing her life’s work go up in flames, she was starting to be excited about the possibilities.

There were things she’d always wanted to do with the café that hadn’t been possible with the existing structure. She could expand, she could improve the flow and increase the seating. Hell, she could add an entire floor and have either a second story to the café and an apartment on the third floor or maybe have both the second and third floors be apartments. So yes, when she wasn’t mired in the sucking mud of grief, she could picture herself like a hyacinth. A hyacinth in pedal pushers and victory rolls, anyway.

Gideon had steered them away from the ashes of Caffeinatrix when they started out, and was making a loop around some of her favorite streets. The ones with vintage boutiques and thrift shops where she liked to window shop and her favorite bubble tea shop where he bought her a taro milk tea with boba that she’d sipped on the bench outside with his arm around her. He’d seemed distracted but not unhappy. Probably thinking about all the Easter prep he was supposed to be doing, but she appreciated he was taking the day off to spend with her.

Yes, taking a walk had been a good idea. Except now they were headed back toward All Saints and they would be passing by Caffeinatrix. Her throat started to get thick at the thought of seeing it.

It wasn’t that she ever forgot what had happened, but it was easier to get through the days and the mountains of paperwork she had to deal with and the sometimes overwhelming amount of plans she had to make before she could even get started on rebuilding when she didn’t have to see the scorched lot where her life used to be.

Part of her wanted to beg Gideon to go back a different way. A really big part. But she could put on her big girl pants and suck it up. Probably. Yep, it was fine, totes fine that tears were already pricking at the back of her eyes when they were turning onto Kennedy Boulevard.

When they rounded the corner, there was the hollowed out blackened shell of where her café used to be, yes, but there was also a swarm of people in it with shovels and gloves and masks, a few pieces of small heavy machinery. What on earth—

“Come on, Plum,” Gideon said to her softly, his big hand on her back. “There’s something I want to show you.”

When they got closer, she started to recognize people. Dustin and Andy were there and some of her other employees too. A lot of the others were members of the All Saints congregation who she’d grown used to seeing every Sunday. And then there were people from her other community—Hudson and Ian and even Ryker from the club. Jethro was using a loader to move piles of debris into a dumpster, and he was being directed by Gunnar.

Not only were there a ton of people shoveling and hauling and clearing out the charred wreckage, but they’d marked off a parking spot in front where Twyla and Sable and Mrs. Symes were sitting at a table with giant jugs of water and lemonade, and platters of sandwiches and little bags of chips. Across the spot was another table set up where Arthur and Saoirse sat, heads bent over a bunch of paperwork.


Her voice got strangled by the tears making her throat close. When she looked up at Gideon, he was smiling. He knew. He’d done this. For her. It was enough to make a girl break out into tears but she’d really done a good job with her eyeliner today so she would try really, really hard not to flat out bawl.

“Go on,” he said with a little nudge to her back. “Go see all your friends who came out to help you. Because they love you. Just like I do.”

When Ian noticed she was there, he sent up the call. “Hey everyone, look who’s here. It’s the mistress of mocha, the queen of caffeine, the princess of pastries, our very own Plum Brolingtide!”

Everyone who’d been working so hard, most of them covered in dirt and grime and sweat, stopped what they were doing and started to cheer. For her.

That was the last straw. Fuck her eyeliner and her mascara, those could be redone. This moment, thishope, could not.

She let the tears stream down her cheeks as she waved to everyone and they came to say hello. Even when they tried to excuse themselves because they’d get her dirty she gave them enormous hugs. She didn’t care how messy she got. Clothes could be thrown in the wash and Gideon could give her another bath, but this was priceless and she was going to enjoy all of it.

It took over an hour to say her hellos and thank yous to everyone who had shown up to help. She’d never felt this kind of gratitude or belonging before. Her life wasn’t perfect but it was pretty fucking close and there was someone she owed thanks to above all others.

Gideon had been beside her, chatting with parishioners, club members, and her employees alike. She couldn’t imagine anyone she’d rather have by her side in this or in anything else in life she might have to face. It was possible she should be very clear about that with Gideon since he’d been so clear with her about his own feelings.

Once the line of well-wishers had cleared to grab some snacks, she turned to her daddy. But before she could speak, he cut her off with that voice that was more comforting to her than a cocktail at the end of a long day.

“I know you’ve still got a long way to go but I thought getting a start would make you feel better. You’re so hard-working and clever and creative and you’ve got more style in your earlobe than most people have in their whole bodies. I have the utmost faith that you are going to build back even better than before. It’s not going to be easy and sometimes you’ll still be frustrated and overwhelmed but I wanted to show you that you’re not alone. We’re all here for you and we’ll do whatever we can to help you succeed.”

“Gideon…” Plum swiped at tears on her cheeks. Again. She probably looked a fright but Gideon was just as soot-smudged as she was and she’d never seen him more handsome so she wouldn’t worry. “How did you— When did you—”

He shrugged, one of those serene smiles spreading his lips. “All I had to do was ask. And speaking of asking…”

Gideon let her go and stepped back and then suddenly he was on a single knee, looking up at her.What the what.

“Plum, darling. You’re the loveliest woman I’ve ever known. You’re also fantastically stylish, an incredible baker, and you have the most generous heart. Knowing you’d also need to be my partner in church life and support my vocation, would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

She’d thought this day couldn’t get any better but she’d been wrong. The fears she’d had about marrying not only Gideon but the church melted away in the warmth of everyone around her. She couldn’t imagine a more perfect life than being with him forever, and making all of their dreams come true.

“Yes. I—I obviously say yes.”

A roar went up around them as Gideon kissed her—she’d forgotten they were surrounded by fifty of their closest friends. Well, they’d all be invited to the wedding. She flushed madly, the heat in her cheeks no doubt burning bright and she felt like a movie star as she clutched Gideon’s hand and waved and then accepted another round of hugs and congratulations.

After they’d received what seemed like endless good wishes, Ian stopped a passerby and asked them to take a picture of the crew. Everyone gathered at the front of the lot, the charred mess mostly behind them, and before she could argue, Gideon had scooped her off her feet and she threw her arms around his neck, kissed him on the mouth.

“You’re the best, Daddy,” she murmured against his lips. “Thank you. I love you.”

“I love you too, darling. And I can’t wait to make you mine forever and always.”