Page 45 of Plum's Priest Daddy

“Fuck no! See? Still capable of withholding consent.”

He barked a laugh and then she was on her tummy again with his hand coming down across her bottom which hurt like fuck.

“Ow! What the hell?”

“I told you you’d get spanked if you said ‘fuck’ again and here we are. I’d suggest you watch your mouth if you don’t want more of this.”

She did not.

Plum bit her lip and tried to stifle all the bad words on the tip of her tongue. This no swearing thing was killer. Luckily, he didn’t spank her for long, perhaps sensing she was so owie from the earlier spanking and paddling it wouldn’t take long to make his point.

When he was finished, he left her facedown on the bed.

“Stay there. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Plum snorted in his general direction because the only place she could possibly go was to roll onto the floor and that seemed like a freaking terrible idea with how much it hurt to have her throbbing ass on the mattress.

When he came back, he cupped her cheek and lifted her head so she could drink from a glass he held with a straw he’d put in. Smart.

“Whole thing, love. Won’t have you getting dehydrated.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

When she was finished, he wiped a bead of water from her lip and ran a hand over her hair again.

“Still want to fuck, darling?”

“Yes, please.”

“Then let’s get you ready.”

He pressed something into her hand and closed her fingers around it. When she squeezed it vibrated and made a very loud, very grumpy noise.

“Since I’m gagging you,” he explained. “You press that if you need me to stop. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl. Now for the rest.”

Plum kept her eyes closed, partly because she was worn out, but also because it was fun. She didn’t know what her daddy would do to her next.

He tapped her chin and instructed her to open up. When she did, Gideon pressed a wad of damp fabric between her teeth.

“Okay?” he asked. “You can breathe just fine?”

She paused for a second to be sure but then nodded. The ball of fabric was firmly in her mouth, not her throat, and she’d be able to keep it there.

“Good. Now let’s make sure you can’t spit it out like the naughty girl we know you are.”

Then there was extra pressure against the fabric in her mouth and he tied something behind her head. Pretty comfortable for a gag which meant he probably meant for it to be stuffed inside her for quite some time. Good. She’d always found gags relaxing. Except when they were terrifying, but she and Gideon didn’t play those sorts of games.

“On your knees, love. Head and shoulders still on the bed,” he told her and kept a hand between her shoulder blades while she shifted into position. “Spread your legs.”

One of her favorite commands that never failed to make her pussy clench.

To her surprise, Gideon inserted something in her cunt and then made quick work of buckling some kind of harness around her hips that would keep whatever it was in place and also—dear God—had something that snugged right up against her clit.

Plum heard him press a button and the pad against her clit came to life with a buzz that nearly sent her tumbling headlong into an orgasm. She was grateful for the gag that kept her from getting spanked again because her “holy shit, what the fuck,” was muffled beyond comprehension.