Page 34 of Plum's Priest Daddy

“Really. And speaking of… You said you’d like to go to Hive, yes?”

“I mean, if I were to be invited. I’m not going to go by myself.”

“You’re damn right you’re not,” he growled.

Being so possessive wasn’t terribly in character for him, and to tell the truth he wouldn’t mind sharing Plum with some of the other tops at the club. It could be a great deal of fun, even—he enjoyed co-topping Saoirse with Arthur for example, and Hudson or Ian had occasionally requested his, eh, special services for scenes which was deeply pleasurable.

But sharing was very different from knowing she’d played with someone else at his own club without him. She could do what she liked at Savage—that was her turf—but he wanted her to behisat Hive.

Plum didn’t look annoyed at his momentary descent into lizard-brain, though. She ducked her head as though shy—his vibrant Plum, shy? Only when she was feeling little—and wrenched her mouth to the side.

“I told you why I didn’t want to go by myself. But if I was with you, no one would dare bother me. There or afterward. You’d protect me, Daddy.”

“Yes, love, I would. And I will.”Always, his mind added. “So shall I set up a playdate with Arthur and Saoirse or would you like to show up and see what happens? Either way is fine.”

“I’ve never played with another little before, that might be fun. And Saoirse is adorable.”

“She is,” he agreed. “You should see her when she’s in full-on little mode. Sweetest little girl I’ve ever seen. But she also likes to do school girl scenes.”

The possibilities with those two girls were endless, and filthy visions danced in his head. He really shouldn’t be having this conversation while he was driving, but it was too late now. “I’ll have to discuss it with Arthur and Saoirse of course, but would either a naughty school girls scene or perhaps a babysitter and her charge who don’t follow directions scene be of any interest to you?”

“Um, yes,” Plum stated so emphatically he had to laugh. “Both, but especially the babysitter? I’ve never done that before and it sounds really fun. Also, if Saoirse’s okay with it, I’d really like to see her be little little, not like middle little.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” he said as he put his turn signal on to pull into the small parking lot at Eric’s practice, empty save for Marni’s Subaru. “But for now, we’re here. Time for your exam, darling.”