Page 26 of Plum's Priest Daddy

She wasn’t even sorry she felt a flutter in her pussy when their fingers grazed. Yes, she knew what magic he could work with those fingers, those hands, and she wanted to be worked upon again as soon as possible. If she didn’t think he’d be completely mortified, she’d drag him into her office for a quickie right now. But that would have to wait.

Instead, she shrugged even as her cheeks got warm. “Whatever. It’s not a big deal.”

Gideon caught her chin this time, turned her head and tipped it up until she was forced to meet his gaze. All the breath flushed out of her lungs.

“You remembered the line of scripture from my sermon, remembered it’s one of my favorites, and you got this for me. Itisa big deal.”

He leaned in then, across the counter, because he was stupid tall like that, and murmured into her ear in a way that made her toes curl, her nipples furl into tight peaks, and her painfully empty pussy ache.

“This was incredibly thoughtful and it means a lot to me. Also, when someone says thank you, the proper response is not ‘whatever.’ Try again, love.”

It wasn’t fair what he could do to her body with just his voice and a single point of contact. He was pure erotic energy and she was embarrassingly aroused.

“You’re welcome,” she choked out as her fingers curled on the countertop.

“Much better. We’ll need to work on your manners, darling.”

With that, he let his fingertips graze her jaw and then he released his grip on her chin, leaving her with lips parted, eyes half-closed, and horny as all hell. The fucker had the nerve to smirk at her.

She wanted to stomp her foot because he knew exactly what he was doing, bastard.

But she couldn’t, because there were half a dozen customers standing behind him. Waiting.Watching. Well, all of Clover City would know she was fucking a priest by lunchtime. That was fine. Totally fine. Didn’t make her want to crawl under the shelves in the stockroom, hiding amongst the coffee beans so not even bloodhounds could fine her. Nope, not at all.

“Pay me and then get out of the way. You’re holding up the line.”

He met her scowl with a placid smile and she fumbled his credit card like a goddamn amateur because this man flustered her beyond reason. And she liked it.